The downside of Seven o'clock dates.

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The downside of Seven o'clock dates.


Ehi tried to get herself ready for her date, the best way she could because she was still in her work clothes and there was no way she could go home to change and still meet up with him at The Orchid Bistro by seven o'clock.

She took her makeup purse out of her bag and tried to draw on a brow and a winged liner. After a fair looking brow and winged liner, she worked with a mascara, shimmery lip gloss and a cosmetic powder.

'Ugh! Why am I even doing this, why do I care?' She asked herself and her inside voice responded.

You care because this is your first date in years and deep down you want it to be perfect and romantic.

'Shut up!' she said as if she was referring to a person in front of her. At that moment, Sola walked in shooting her a curious look.

'Are you okay?' she asked Ehi. 'I heard you yell, what's the matter?' Ehi sighed in response and took off her wig to brush out the tangles. Sola cleared her throat, indicating that she still wanted an answer to her question.

'I'm fine, why are you here? Don't you have to meet up with someone?' Ehi asked with no trace of anger or envy in her voice.

Sola nodded 'I actually came to ask you if you've changed your mind. I want to call my friend Labake to join me but I thought I should ask you one more time' Sola said.

Ehi gaped at her 'Are you for real? I already said no, why on earth would I change my mind?' Ehi asked.

Sola shrugged 'Maybe you had time to think about it, who knows? Anyway I'll try to talk to Mr Kay about your twenty percent and if you need anything else let me know' Sola said.

Ehi shook her head 'I don't need anything else, I can handle Mr Kayode and whatever he has to dish out. Don't worry about the twenty percent' Ehi responded and put on her wig again.

She checked herself in her compact mirror and decided she was presentable enough.

'Your Uber guy hasn't come yet?' Sola teased prompting a glare from Ehi. 'He's not my Uber guy and he is not coming today' Ehi responded.

'Why na?' Sola asked and took out her brand new phone from her apron to text her friend Labake.

'Hmmm big babe IPhone x, just like that. From android to team iphone' Ehi teased as she put back her makeup purse in her bag.

Sola laughed 'I neva even start, calm down. After tonight, I'm ordering a new wardrobe and buying some Peruvian hair wigs to match my new status' Sola joked.

Ehi winked at her 'Sinzu!' she teased getting up from behind her desk. 'As a sharp girl' Sola retorted.

They both cackled as they walked out of Ehi's office. Ehi reach into her purse and brought out two mint gums, she handed one to Sola and popped one into her mouth as they strolled out of the hotel.

'So how are you going to get home now that bolt is not coming, should I call a ride for you?' Sola asked.

Ehi shook her head 'I'm not heading home yet, I have some errands to run' Ehi said.

Sola nodded 'Okay o, safe journey. I won't be coming to work tomorrow, I'll be taking the day off' Sola said.

Ehi smiled 'Iyawo kayode, enjoy your break jare' she said and turned to Sola.

'Listen, just be careful. I don't mix business and pleasure for a reason and I don't go after married men for a reason. I'm not judging you Sola, but be careful so you don't find yourself in a big mess' Ehi said.

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