Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Cat fights and Bitter Truths


Iyoma wiped her face one more time with her handkerchief before walking into the house. When she entered the house, she saw Ehi and Angel all cozied up on the couch seeing a movie on Angel's phone. There was a bowl of popcorn in front of them and two cans of soda on the table.

She glared at the two of them and felt the anger she'd felt while in Bisi's house tingle within her again.

'What's going on here?' she asked irritated. Ehi lifted her head from Angel's shoulder and dipped her hand into the bowl of  popcorn before passing it on to Angel.

'Thanks' Angel smiled and took a handful of popcorn.

'Welcome, I didn't even think you were coming home today. I thought you said you were sleeping over at Bisi's' Ehi said with a playful wink.

Iyoma scoffed 'Is that why you invited Angel and why do you two look too cozy? You said you didn't like him' she said sitting down opposite Angel and Ehi.

'Iyoma, what's your problem? Why would you say something like that?' Ehi asked eyeing her in disbelief.

'Isn't that what you said, or you're suddenly in love with because he's chauffeuring you about?' Iyoma hissed before getting up to walk out of the room.

Ehi shook her head 'I'm sorry about, please I have to go check on her. She's not usually like know' Ehi said with a sigh.

Angel gave her an easy smile. 'Actually, it was nice spending time with you, see you tomorrow morning?' Angel asked getting up from his seat.

Ehi smiled and got up too. 'Yes, sure. I'm really sorry about what Iyoma said....' Ehi said a little embarrassed.

Angel nodded 'I should go now, I have some work to do' he said before walking out of the living room.

Ehi stormed into Iyoma's room after Angel left. She met Iyoma lying on her bed with tears rolling down her cheeks. She felt her initial anger at Iyoma's rudeness to Angel dissipate, sighing she sat beside her best friend.

'What's wrong, why are you crying?' Ehi asked. She really didn't need to ask, this had Bisi written all over it.

'Bisi has broken up with me, are you happy now?' Iyoma hissed.

Ehi looked at her in disbelief 'What has my happiness got to do with Bisi breaking up with you?' Ehi asked.

Iyoma sat up and glared at her 'Ehen that's what you have to say right? Aren't you the one always complaining about my relationship with Bisi, aren't you the one who phones him regularly to insult him?' Iyoma asked.

Ehi got up from the bed and smiled bitterly. 'From the first day you introduced me to Bisi, I didn't like him and I made sure to avoid the both you when you were together. Bisi even stopped coming to this house because he doesn't like my attitude towards him right? Weren't you the one who gave Bisi my number as an emergency contact and vice versa. I don't know the reasons your boyfriend gave for breaking up with you. But please, please, you two leave me out of it. If calling your boyfriend when you're heartbroken to warn him to take care of you and treat you like his woman is an insult then maybe you should sit back and ask yourself why you're really with that man. I actually came here to warn you never ever to act like a brat when we have guests in the house. You're not a child Iyoma, grow up please. And yes I'm really glad you and Bisi are over, because maybe now you will focus on the problems we're having in this house and actually get a job. But we both know you and Bisi are never over for long, very soon he'll call you to come wipe his ass and you'll crawl over there like a desperate brat to go kiss his ass. I'm going through a lot right now and honestly you do not want to piss me off' Ehi finished angrily before walking out of the room.

Iyoma glared at her friend's retreating form and vowed to get a job quickly, this insults she was getting from Ehi had to stop.

Can you imagine the nerve of that girl? Talking to her like that, she owned this house! So bloody what if she couldn't pay rent now?

Iyoma got out of the bed and went after Ehi whom she met in the kitchen disposing the empty cans of soda in the trash can.

'Ehi don't you ever dare speak to me like a child, this is still my house and if the reason you act like God over me is  because you pay rent and pay bills around here then please quit paying for anything. Keep your miserable allowance too, don't you ever speak to me like a child. I'm not your little sister! When you were nothing Ehi, I was here for you. After your heartbreak, when you were crushed and down, I was here for you. You talk to me like I'm nothing without you, whose house is this? I didn't ask you for a penny when I was renting this house, I didn't ask for anything while I was furnishing it to my taste. I paid for everything, and now you're acting like you own the place and own my soul too. Don't pay for anything again, if the electricity company wants to cut off the light, let them cut it. If the  landlord will send us out, let him. We will go our separate ways because I won't take any more insults from you!' Iyoma lashed out.

Ehi looked at her in disbelief, Iyoma had helped her five years ago, true. But did that mean that Iyoma wouldn't help out in this house anymore?

'Have you ever asked yourself why a grown ass woman would sit at home doing nothing twenty four freaking hours in a day. Have you?! You don't want to be spoken to like a child ba? start acting like an adult. All I ask for in this house, is your help and support but you've refused to help me. Your mates are making waves around the city, you're throwing yourself at one undeserving bastard. Yes I said it, Bisi is an undeserving bastard. Oya do your worst!' Ehi challenged.

'Leave my relationship with Bisi out of this, I know you're just jealous because you're sad, unloved and lonely' Iyoma insulted.

'At least I'm not cheap and lonely, your late mother would be turning in her grave now. Sacrificing your entire life for a man who will never marry you' Ehi said and laughed mockingly.

'Oh you're crying over another heartbreak? You're not done shedding enough tears, when the real heartbreak erupts, you will cry a river and end up at the hospital. Bisi will marry another woman in this Lagos and you will there looking wide eyed and speechless because you're unbelievably stupid' Ehi kissed her tongue loudly and walked out of the kitchen.

Iyoma remained in the kitchen and felt more tears seeping out of her eyes. She broke down completely and fell to the floor, if Bisi ever left her for another woman.. .....

She refused to think about it as she cried but she knew deep within her that hell would break loose that day.

Ehi was right about one thing, this was a phase. She and Bisi would get back soon, they always did.

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