Breakfast Gone Wrong

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Breakfast Gone Wrong.

Iyoma remained in bed till the late hours of the morning the next day. Her pillows were wet with tears, her head was aching but it was dull compared to the ache in her heart.

How could Bisi break up with her like that? In such a cold and unfeeling way. After everything she'd done for him, after everything she'd put up with.

She buried her face in her pillow and continued to sob as nostalgic memories invaded her head.

"Yoruba men are top tier" Iyoma remarked as she rubbed Bisi's head that was resting on her lap.
Bisi chuckled "How many yoruba men do you know asides me?" he asked.
"I know a couple, you want to make this about yourself again. Self centered prick" Iyoma joked and pushed his head away gently.

Bisi laughed "Wait na, don't stop rubbing my head. I'm not making anything about me, I know it's about me. If I were Igbo, you'd say Igbo men are top tier"Bisi grinned as Iyoma continued to rub his head.

"God, you're so cocky. What am I doing with you?" Iyoma said with a smile playing on her lips.
Bisi snorted but said nothing.
"I love Yoruba people, I love the language, the food especially eforiro. Most importantly I love the men' Iyoma, said.
"Okay okay, I hear you. Just keep rubbing my head like that, your hands feel really good" Bisi moaned.
"Fine, if you were to give me a yoruba name what would it be?" Iyoma asked eagerly.
Bisi regarded her silently for some minutes before replying "Ewatomi"
"Ooou, what does it mean?" Iyoma asked. "Something about beauty" Bisi replied.
"Awwwn that's so sweet. How do you say I love you in Yoruba?" Iyoma asked.
"Why are you asking?"Bisi frowned.
"I want to say it to someone I love..." Iyoma replied.

The knock on her bedroom door took her off memory lane, Iyoma sighed remembering the good times before Bisi started acting awful and she started being paranoid.

'Iyoma it's almost twelve o'clock, get out of bed already. Angel is here and he brought breakfast, he also wants to see you' Ehi yelled from the other end.

'I'm coming...' she croaked weakly.

'Iyoma!' Ehi yelled again.

Iyoma shook her head and cleared her throat. 'I'm coming!' she yelled back.

She didn't hear anything else so she knew that Ehi had returned to the living room. If she didn't join them, Ehi would come back and barge into the room this time and she didn't want Ehi to see her like this.

She got out of bed languidly and went into her bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Her appearance would definitely give her away, her eyes were red and swollen. Angel and Ehi would know she'd been crying, her shoulders slumped as she walked back to her bedroom.

She opened her wardrobe and the first thing her eyes landed on was the lilac sweater she'd stolen from Bisi when the grass had been greener.

"What are you looking for" Iyoma asked strolling into the bedroom.
"My yellow t-shirt, the one with Ankara sleeves" Bisi mumbled as he searched through his wardrobe.
"Oh it's dirty, I forgot to wash it. I'll wash it today" Iyoma said.
Bisi narrowed his eyes at her "What do you mean by it's dirty, I don't remember wearing it"
Iyoma bit her lips "I wore it the other day I went to the market" she replied him whilst wrapping her arms around him.
Bisi groaned "You're so annoying, I keep telling you not to wear my shirts" Bisi said eyeing her pouty lips.
"But they look good on me, I also like wearing it because it reminds me of you and it makes me feel like you're with me even when you're not with me" Iyoma smiled.
"You're so cheesy and cute, I guess I'll have to start buying everything I own in pairs since you want to start twinning" Bisi joked.
"Yaaaay, yippee, in that case I'll take the navy t-shirt and the lilac sweater" Iyoma said.

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