Learning and Endings

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Zay's POV

I sit in my bed, looking out the windows over my bed, my feet tucked under Elliot's body for warmth. He's sleeping the day away, the brisk air outside convincing us to stay cuddled up all day on our days off.

This man.

This man has done more these for me than anyone I've ever met, not that I would ever tell Ares that.

But this man has loved me so hard while teaching him about myself and him all in one go. And he's fucking perfect.

Straight, human or not, this man is all mine and Im so fucking happy he is. There were many bumps in the road form my side and his and even though I go so close to giving up a few times, I will never ever trade this love that I finally found for a thing in the world.

Elliot claims that he's not gay, or straight, because the only person that he will ever have eyes for is me.

And the same goes for him.

I am gay though. A thousand percent.

Life is hard and love is harder, even when you have someone made for you. But this live was hand crafted by the Gods sent down to be placed in my hand every so gently so I can learn it, hold it, cherish it and share it with this man that has loved me so much, even when he wasn't so sure he loved himself.

Neither of us are perfect but he is perfect for me in every sense of the word.

I turn my head away from the snowy morning, my hot mug of coffee keeping my hands warm as I look down at my sleeping lover. His hair has gotten longer on the top though he's kept it short on the side and his beard is still shaved close. He's still one fine fine man. But the things that makes me so sexy in my eyes is the way he looks at me every day without fail.

My man has his own set of crazy eyes and I can see why he likes to see them on me so much.

But this time when I look at him and I get that feeling in my chest and my soul that reflects in my eyes, it's not based off of the idea of him but because of the man that he proved himself to be. And though I would never tell him, he turned out so much better than I could have ever possibly dreamed of.

One of my hands leaves my mug and it finds itself in his shaggy hair, playing with it softly as I smile down lovingly at the man that stole my heart.

The two of us had a rough start and we sure as hell didn't start off on the right track. Elliot took ahold of my heart and put it next to his making sure that it was save and secure no matter what. And even though at first I Pushed Aside his feelings, I hold them close to me now as I finally figure out what all those love songs are about.

✨The End✨

Can you guys believe that it's done??? It's actually really done! I'm going to be posting the interactive post about it tomorrow after work so you guys don't forget about it.



QOTD: Tell me about your experience with this book.

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