Dinner and Leaving

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Zay's POV

I move aside to let Elliot in, though I know I'm going to be kicking my self for it later. All he has to do is come bat those chocolate eyes at me and show me that crooked grin and I'm at his mercy again.

He comes inside with two plates in hand, wrapped in aluminum foil tightly. Though I'm still pissed at the fucking idiot for what he did, the food, and his own scent are making my will weak. My body feels like it's been run over by a car, and though I hate to say it, his company is the best thing for me right now.

The words burn to even think about.

I close the door behind the human and lead him towards the kitchen, keeping silent to myself so I don't fold and allow him to walk over me again.

Once we get into the room, I sit down at my table and watch Elliot who looks around awkwardly, completely out of his element. He looks at me with a cringe before he sets down the plates and turns his body towards mine with a frown set in his brows.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you yesterday. I didn't really think the whole dating in public thing out. I'm not ready to make that step. So I thought maybe we could do something in private and see if we can get there at a slower pace." He says, looking at me with his stupid soft puppy dog eyes but I look away and fold my arms, refusing to give in so easily.

"That's the worse fucking apology I've ever heard." I tell him and he sighs to himself, finally figuring out that this isn't going to be easy.

For once, I'm not tripping over my self to get his attention. I'm not begging for him to come to me and want me. I don't need him to claim me as they one he wants. If he wants to be an asshole, he has to do it on his own time, not mine.

"Fine. I know you don't have to accept my apology. But can we at least have dinner?" He asks me and I think about it. If he's here, maybe he can feed me just a little and then I'll only have to deal with him at work. If I wait any longer, I'll get sick and the rest of the week, or until i get fed, I will feel like literal shit.

I think I can deal with Elliot for an hour or so to avoid that from happening.

It's the least he can do after causing all of this.

"Fine". I answer and there's a sigh of relief that comes with it. I pull my phone out and begin reading the book I had downloaded and continue reading as I leave Elliot to his own devices in my kitchen. I hear him moving around, but pay him no attention until ten minutes later, a plate is set on the table in front of me.

I raise my eyes from the story I was just reading, and watch Elliot pull out the chair across from me and place himself in the seat before pulling his own plate closer.

"Now. Let's try this again." He says, trying to give me his charming smile but ai just look at him before I grab a fork he placed on the table as well and pick up a piece of steak form my plate, already knowing I'm not going to be able to eat that much.

"Thanks." I tell him, though it doesn't sound that enthusiastic, even to my own ears. He sighs before he shows me those perfect brown eyes and pleads with me.

"I know I'm not doing the best job, but come on, Zay. I'm trying here. Give me a break, baby please." And of course, like the fucking idiot I am, my brains short circuits on the fact that he called me baby. The stupid fuck that can't even be seen with me, called me baby.

He called me baby.

And I hate the fact that my sick, weak, half Incubus body is so easily melted by the one name after I swore to myself that I want going to go easy on him.

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