Sobriety and Repeats

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Please make sure you read the message I posted in WTM

Elliot's POV

It's twelve in the afternoon and luckily both Say and I have today off. I woke up this morning with a killer headache and with the wish to die as the sun stared me straight in my eyes.

I woke up about twenty minutes ago and I had to rush to the bathroom to throw up all the alcohol and lack of food from last night. This is exactly why I don't party often, even if I always have a good time while I'm out.

I'm sitting on the bathroom floor across the hall form Zay's room, thinking about life when he comes in with a water bottle and sits across from me, his back against the cabinet as mine rests against the tub. He hands me the bottle and I grab his gratefully before sipping it slowly, the cold liquid making me feel a little bit better about life.

"How are you?" He asks me and he glances up into my eyes as if looking for something before they lower back to his hands that fidget in his lap.

"I feel like that grandma that got rain over by a rain deer." I tell him honestly and he chuckles softly though the smile doesn't really reach his eyes. He's been like this ever since I woke up and it's making me miss him, his crazy eyes and teasing smile that has me so addicted to him. "Are you okay?" I ask him as my head pounds and take a few more sips of my water in my hand.

He looks up at me again before he sighs, giving me a bright smile that may be able to fool someone else. But this doesn't look like my Zay. "I'm fine. Just tired." He says.

Before I can say anything else, he's getting up and dusting off his pants that have no dirt on them whatsoever.

"I have some soup on the stove. Go lay down and make sure to brush your teeth." He tells me and I sigh as he leaves the room. Making sure to flush the toilet not wanting the bathroom to smell like vomit, I stand up and brush my teeth twice before rinsing. Surprisingly, after throwing up and getting some water, I feel a lot better, but not wanting to make Zayvion more mad than he clearly already is, I make my way to his room and lay in the bed, leaving space for him beside me.

I don't have to wait long, Zay walks in with a bowl of soup and a few ibeprofen for me to take which I do, smiling gratefully at him before taking the soup from his hands. Knowing what he's able to do, I quickly put the bowl on the table just as he goes to leave. Grabbing his hand in mine, I pull him closer to me, his green eyes staring down at me searching again.

"I'm sorry for last night. I shouldn't have tried it without talking to you about it first. I didn't mean to make you mad at me." I tell him, not liking this silence and the tension between us.

I miss my love struck eyes and the flirtatious looks he sends me, the mouse to my cat as we continue to go back and forth with each other.

His emeralds shoot to my gaze as he frowns and clear surprise crosses his features as he looks at me. It makes me a little defensive to know that he's that surprised over me apologizing. "What? I finally ask him and he shakes his head in awe at me before he opens his mouth.

"You remember last night?" He asks me and now it's my turn to frown.

"Of course I do." I tell him before it dawns on me. "I don't forget what happens, even if I'm blacked out drunk." I tell him and his mouth forms into an 'o' as he thinks about what that means. And the exact moment it hits him, the tops of his ears turn red.

"So... that means..." He tries to ask a question but he looks so stuck and confused as of his whole world was blown away. And it might have been.

Though I haven't expressed it, I've been trying to get the courage to talk to Zay about moving in to the next step, and even doing a redo for our first date. But of course I had to fuck it up by getting drunk and making a move before Zay was ready.

It's my fault for telling him I want sure what I wanted. I guess unease and uncertainty is contagious.

"That means that I was ready... but I didn't think about if you were." I tell him honestly and I watch as he stares at me with wide green eyes before they start to go hazy and his crazy love struck eyes are back and focused on me.

"Oh thank Goddess." He says and I raise my brow in confusing, waiting for the lecture or even the slap, not the praise and relief that are heavy in his voice. "I thought that you only did it because you were drunk and even if you did remember it, you were going to hate me if I let you fuck me. And then you would regret it and try to kill me and..." I stop Zay's rant with a laugh.

"No. I wouldn't kill you. And I wanted it. I knew what I was doing." I tell him and I watch as he shyly peeks up at me through his lashes.

"Do you still want to?" He asks me and my breath gets caught in my throat and I almost choke on air at the offer I was not expecting at all. He must see the alarm on my face because he back tracks a little. "I mean, we don't have to, I was just..."

Not letting his rambling get too far this time, I pull his hand thats still in line again and cause him to tumble into the bed, leaning his face close to mine. I look into his green crazy eyes before I close mine and bring my face closer to Zay's.

All my liquid courage is out of my system and I find myself anxious that I don't fuck this up. Zayvion is fucking half Incubus and I want to make this good for him. And hopefully good for me even if it's something I've never tried. Lord knows I never thought I would. His soft lips move with mine and I move our bodies so that he's laying in his back, similar it last night had I hover over him, our lips dancing against each other as moans softly escape in between us.

This time when my hand lowers to his hip there no pause or internal arguments, only the feel of him arching into me softly as I hold him close.

My Zayvion.

My Soulmate.

My Crazy Eyes.

The boy that I somehow got attached to between the nights spent over, the cuddles with the movies and working together.

Holding my breath against my anxiety, I let my hand wander over his hip and towards his bulge in his sweatpants, the only clothes he had on. Taking one last mental breath, I let my hand grade over the bulge and I feel his cock twitch beneath my hand, my own dick mirroring the action.

Not letting myself thing about it too much, I feel Zay's hands behind to move from the bed where they were and come up to touch my body. His first hand tangles itself in my hair, pulling lightly dragging a moan from me.

His second hand disappears for a second but I find it when it appears between us, making me gasp in nerves and surprise at the feelings they spark up inside me at feeling his hand so close to my twitch member. I've been dreaming about this and now that I'm finally here, all I can think about is if my dick is the biggest and best he'll have since I'm his soulmate.

If he's stuck with me for the rest of time, my only hope is that at least my dick is good.

Even I know my.... everything else needs a little bit more work before I can offer it on a silver platter to Zayvion.

His hand traces down my naked chest and stops at the top of my boxers and I pause the kiss to lean back, opening my eyes to find his already on me. Seeing the question in his gaze, I nod at him making him breath a silent breath of relief, pulling me in once more for a kiss that will surely change my life.

I'm not going to lie to you guys, I kind of lost Elliot's voice since I havent really written from it in so long do I need to go back and read. Because of this, you might only get three chapters of this tonight.



QOTD: Whats your favorite type of soda?

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