Claiming and Marking

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Zay's POV

Elliot and I have been home for about a week now and honestly....

When people told me that there was going to be a feeling.. a spark that I would feel whenever I saw my Chain, I thought that I didn't get it because Elliot was human and I was missing some of the components.

But I get it now.

Whenever he comes over and he brings his homework or his art work, just wanting to spend time with me for a few hours. I feel it.

When we're at work and he holds my hand as we enter the building, I feel it.

When we're lying in bed at night and he pulls me close when he's half sleep, his nose always finding the crook of my neck as he holds me tightly, I feel it.

I feel it all. The butterflies in my stomach, and ones that make my cock ache for him as well as the ones that make my face glare up in a blush that I can never seem to control around him.

This whole time I though that either we just weren't the best soulmates or everyone was just over exaggerating the whole things about the Soulmate Bond. And yet here I am, smiling like an idiot to myself as I wait for him to come over again.

This is the love that movies brag about. This is the love that the stupid love songs are written about that make you smile and cry your heart out.

These past few days Elliot and I have talked a lot. I know more about him in this past week that I had for the two months or so we had known each other. We've talked about favorite colors and our biggest dreams. We've talked about our fears and our sexual fantasies. We've even talked about Marking.

And to my surprise it was him that wanted to talk about it.

And it's that thought and fact in my head that makes today so much easier. Because today is the day that I tell Elliot how I feel and I ask to Mark him.

And while I'm scared shitless, I'm no longer afraid that I'll run him off or that he'll leave me. I just hope that he's had the time he needs so that I don't look like an idiot when I tell him that I love him.

I mean, I probably will either way but at least that way I won't be alone.

I'm straightening up, my stress cleaning coming to show today in bright colors, when I hear the door open. My heart skips a beat as I turn around and watch as Elliot walks in, his bag full of work clothes beside him for tomorrow, the idea of him spending the night again making me smile contentedly.

"Hey baby." He greets me, walking towards me to wrap his hands around my waist, his hands tightening around my hips softly as he leans down and captures my lips in a kiss that makes me melt against him.

"Hi." I answer, biting my lip as I try to think about how to bring this up.

"Uh-oh. I know that look. You have something to tell me." Elliot says, his eyebrows raising as he looks at me and if I could hit him for knowing me too well, I would, but there's a small part of me that adores how well we've started to know each other.

"I don't." I tell him, trying to buy myself some time but he gives me a deadpanned expression that makes gay panic rise inside of me, his eyes ass eyes on me as they always are whenever we're together, his attention solely for me and only me. Knowing that I'm trapped now, I take his hand in mine softly and I lead him towards my room in the back, nerves running up and down my spine. It's easy to say it in your head and tell him in his ear once you're sure he's asleep, but telling him to his face that I want to be linked with him and be with him for the rest of our lives is kind of fucking scary.

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