Tears and Friends

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Zay's POV

I leave the café with tears streaming down my face in anger and disappointment.

Though I don't know why.

I should have saw this coming from a mile away but I was so caught up in what I wanted him to be, I completely missed what he was trying to tell me the whole time.

I am not what he wants.

He doesn't want to be with me.

Soulmates are just a joke to him.

And none of these realizations make me feel any fucking better as I stand outside and pull out my phone. I dial the number of the person I know will be there no matter what, and sure enough, ten minutes later he's pulling into the parking lot with a frown on his face and hands tense on the wheel.

I was hoping that Elliot would come after me.

I don't know why I keep wishing for things that I know isn't an option with him. It never was. It was only a pipe dream that he let me entertain and that's the shit that kills me.

I walk away from the place that was supposed to move us forward in whatever relationship we decided on, and walk to the car before pulling open the door and sliding into the passenger seat. I pull on my seatbelt and we sit there for a moment as he turns to look at me, my body facing forward in an attempt to hold off the conversation I know I will need to have.

"I have three in my trunk." Ares tells me, voice terse as he refers to his bat collection that seems to grow only to disappear until he needs them.

"Let's just go." I tell him and I see him thinking about going against my wishes, but like the sweet man he is, he attends to me first, throwing the car in drive before pulling off and making our way from the coffee shop and towards his apartment.

I look out the window as we drive, the memories that we've shared these past few days turning bitter in my mind and on my tongue.

Ares doesn't try to say anything else as we make our way towards his side of town, and I'm thankful, knowing that I don't need to have any sort of conversation right now when the hurt and indirect rejection are so fresh in my mind.

I've always been the more chill and nicest person I've could be, especially growing up with the parents I have, but I find myself with anger coursing through me, an unfamiliar emotion that I've rarely felt before. I used to think that the level of difficulty some people have when it comes to their Soulmates was just over rated and complicated. But as time goes on, I'm beginning to realize that just because things are made for you, doesn't mean it'll hold its shape.

We finally pull into the familiar parking lot of the brothel and I get out of the car, following Ares as he makes his way inside, holding the door open for me.

We walk up the stairs as mind races until we get to the third floor and he unlocks the second door to his right before opening it and walking in. I follow behind him and close the door behind me, finding a worried looking Thomas behind the door.

"Zay what's wrong? Ares said you were upset." He says coming towards me and I see the new cat that he got nestled into the crook of his arm, it's pale eyes looking at me from his owners hold.

"It was the stupid ass boy of his." Ares says as he leans against the wall and I sigh in disappointment at myself. And so much fucking anger.

"Let's go sit down." Thomas says and I nod as he leads us to the living room where he sits on the love seat and I place myself in the chair. Ares remains standing and I know he's beyond irritated, especially with no action taking place in order to protect someone he cares for.

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