Rides and Talks

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Question: Do you guys actually read the stuff I post on my message board or do you only read the updates in WTW? Just so I know if there's a better way to communicate with you Lovelies.

Elliot's POV

      As I get in the car, though I feel a faint sense of anxiety towards talking to Zay about the decision that's been ringing in my head all day, I also feel a sense of peace for the first time this week with finally having a resemblance of a plan.

      Once both of us are buckled in and I turn on the car, I put the vehicle in reverse and pull out of the parking space, my hand on the back of the passenger seat. As I put the car in drive and make my way out of the lot, I feel Zay's eyes continuing to glance at me make ong my lips twitch.

        The fact that I never noticed his glances at me are unbelievable. The shit you miss when you're oblivious.

         "How was your day, Crazy Eyes?" I ask the Hybrid and I hear him scoff a bit though I would bet money that his cheeks are filled with a blush. Which is typical whenever I bring up the way he looks at me.

          "It was fine." He says a bit awkwardly as if he's not sure if he should act himself around me. It's a bit unsettlingly to have a shy Zay, and if I'm honest, it's going to make me more awkward as well.

         And we don't need anymore evidence to know that that is not a good thing.

          "It's okay. I know you missed me." I tease him but I keep a straight face as I turn right. Before I take him home, I want to talk to him about my decision, and what better place to do that than the one spot in town that you can find the best sunset.

       Zayvion scoffs and crosses his arms in denial. "I didn't. I forgot you were there. Sydney was a great partner." He claims. 

      "The goth girl?" I ask him, wracking my brain from where I heard that name from and he hums his confirmation.

       "Yeah. She's a Witch. I'm convinced that one day she's just going to quit and she's going to hex us all. At first I was scared but I'm only intrigued one what she would do to me." He says as if unable to come up with anything horrible enough for him but I know exactly what.

         "She would take away your dick." I snort and he gasps in absolute horror, his dramatics making my lips twitch to no end.

         We're quiet for a bit as we enjoy the ride, the sun chasing us to lower in the sky, trying to beat us to our destination. In the corner of my eye, I see Zay fidget a bit but I leave it, knowing I'm probably putting him through hell with the suspense. "How was you day?" He asks me and I know he's talking about beyond the typical answer, his nerves getting to him as they were to me these pst few days. I turn along a dirt road and continue on, looking for my last turn.

       "I'm not sure yet." I tell him and I can feel his confusion.

        "Why not?" He asks just as I turn one last time and come out on top of a small hill that looks over this part of Kaulike, the sunset shining across from us as we sit there. I roll down the windows and turn off the car before I turn to Zayvion.

        "Because, the day's not over." I tell him and his cheeks glare up a flaming red as he looks in my eyes and I watch  as they soften and begin to sparkle as they always do.

        Unable to stop myself I chuckle and shake my head making him groan in embarrassment and cover his eyes.

         "Ugh, I fucking hate you." He tells me and I shrug, still laughing at the fact that no matter what, his crazy eyes can't seem to fall away.

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