The Devils Arrive

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Anastasia's POV

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Anastasia's POV

I was hanging out in my room with Quinn when two of my favourite voices yelled up from downstairs. "Sharkey!" Callum yelled out, his voice echoing throughout the entire house.

I grinned and jumped from my bed, leaving my boyfriend behind, much to his dismay. I sprinted down the stairs and jumped onto Callum's back, squealing as he spun me around. "Why didn't you tell me you and Dyl were coming?!" I yelled back, and he placed me down, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"It was supposed to be a surprise because we have news Sharkey!" Dylan said engulfing me in a hug. I kissed his cheek and he kissed mine back before we did our signature handshake. 

"So, what's the news guys?" I shouted and they smiled at each other before lifting their left hands. There, on their ring fingers, were two bands, each with a diamond in them.

"WE'RE ENGAGED GIRL!" Callum yelled and we all squealed jumping in a group hug. Quinn came down the stairs and his face was a mixture of confusion and anger as the two boys hugged me. Deciding not to make him even more concerned, I stepped away, hugging his side.

"Quinn, these are Gray's best friends, and a newly engaged couple, Callum Falcone and Dylan Clark," I said, gesturing to the boys. Quinn slightly relaxed and I giggled, lacing my fingers with his.

"I've known Sharkey since she was in her iddy biddy princess dresses," piped up Callum, and I fake glared at him. He hid behind Dylan and pointed his finger at me.

"She's still a devil child babe, look at her! She's a tiny devil!" he shrieked and he ran upstairs, probably to go bug Grayson. Dylan laughed as he saw his fiancé run up the stairs and with a quick kiss to my forehead, he too ran upstairs.

"If those two are here that means..." I paused just as the doorbell rang. 


I ran to the door, dragging Quinn behind me, to reveal the one other girl in my life who I would die for. "RAMONA!" I screamed and I let go of Quinn to hug the life out of her. She laughed and hugged me back.

"Wow Ana, one year and you've grown so much girl! And what's this I hear of you finally getting a boyfriend?" she questioned, looking Quinn up and down. Behind her was her fiancé, and in his arms was a small bundle.

"Ana, meet Poppy, your goddaughter," she said gently, grabbing the baby softly out of her fiancé's arms. He sent me a stiff smile, but as soon as Poppy was out of his arms, he leaned up to kiss Ramona's cheek, before waving to us.

I had never bothered to learn his name, as he showed no interest in learning ours. Ramona handed me Poppy and I cooed at the gorgeous bundle, awing as she grasped my finger with her tiny hand. 

Poppy looked just like her mother, sharing her unique brown eyes with dark flecks, and her tanned skin tone. Ramona gazed down lovingly at Poppy as she squirmed in my arms, falling asleep quite quickly. My mother walked past us and gasped in delight as she saw Poppy. "Oh Ramona, lei è molto bella," she cooed, rushing over to see the sleeping child.

I handed my goddaughter to my mother and smiled at Ramona, who clearly looked like she needed a nap. "Ramona, go and sleep up in Grayson's room for a while, the boys and I can look after Poppy for you," I offered and she sent me a gracious smile, heading for Grayson's room.

My mother walked back to the kitchen with Poppy softly sleeping in her arms and Quinn captured me in a hug, pressing a kiss to my lips. "You're amazing with kids Ana," he whispered and I smiled, looking towards my mother and Poppy.

"Ramona always said I'd be the godmother of her first child but it's surreal now that I am. I'm going to spoil that girl until I can't no more, because I already love her," I gushed. He smiled down at me and I pressed another kiss to his lips.

"I still can't believe you were jealous that I was with Dylan and Callum," I said smirking and he rolled his eyes, huffing.

"I wasn't jealous, darling," he muttered and I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Sure you weren't, you just happen to always look constipated when I have my arms around two very handsome boys who I've known longer than you," I chirped and he smiled sheepishly, rubbing his neck.

I leant my forehead on his chest and he rested his head on mine, the spring rain outside gently falling, creating a safe space. Another knock on the door broke us apart, and Quinn gave me a confused look before putting me behind him, opening the door himself.

He let out a sigh of relief as Carlotta bounded in, followed by a sopping wet Julian. Carlotta's hair was immaculate as Julian's dripped with rainwater. I handed him a hand towel from the bathroom down the hall and he smiled, drying off his hair. 

"Hey Ana, where's Gray?" Carlotta asked, and I pointed upstairs. 

"He's with Dylan, Callum and Ramona just for a heads up," I warned, and she stopped in her tracks, turning around.

"Who's Ramona?" she asked, her hands on her hips. The two boys beside me both stepped back, almost hiding behind my tiny figure. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Ramona Bhasin is Grayson's best friend, happily engaged to some weird man, and the mother of my goddaughter, who also happens to be Grayson's goddaughter," I said smiling. Her body relaxed and a smile graced her face again.

"Oh, if that's all then I'm good. I was just getting ready to bitchslap my boyfriend, that's all." 

We both laughed together and Grayson came out of his room, running down the stairs as soon as he saw Carlotta. He picked her up in a hug and swung her around, before taking her to the kitchen, followed by Dylan and Callum. 

Julian ran over to introduce himself and Quinn and I went back upstairs to avoid the noise my mother made as she saw the boys' engagement rings. Quinn scooped me up and ran with me in his arms up to my room, throwing me gently onto my bed.

"Right, now that you're all mine once again, put on The Witcher and let me kiss you until we can't no more," he growled and I felt my core heat up as he locked my door, walking towards me as if I were his prey. I giggled and quickly pulled up Netflix on my laptop, trying my hardest to click on The Witcher as Quinn kissed me up from my legs to my neck.

I moaned as he hit my sweet spot and he grinned against my neck, gently biting it and pulling. I gasped and he took the opportunity to kiss my lips, exploring my mouth with his tongue. He put his hands underneath my jumper, and I bit my lips as his warm fingers caressed my body. 

"I'm gonna wait till I have a ring on your finger showing that you're all mine Anastasia Rose Heart, but for the moment, let me just pleasure you simply," he mumbled, attaching his lips to my neck yet again.

I felt his hand get to my panty band and I nodded, allowing for him to slip his finger further and further down.

Oh, how I loved this man.

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