I'm Not Supposed To Be Alive

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Anastasia'a POV

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Anastasia'a POV

After three days in the building I had been tortured in, I was beginning to believe I would never get out. The rest of the room was made of bricks, and I noticed one missing on my right, allowing the sun to come through.

A body in the corner moved, and a girl moved into the light, her hazel eyes speckled with gold flakes. She'd been here the entire time I'd been locked up in this cell, but had been passing in and out of consciousness for all three. She had a button nose, and looked younger than me. "Hi," she said almost cheerfully. 

"Hey," I croaked back out. She rummaged around the cell before passing an unopened bottle of water to me from under her mattress.

"I ration my food and water so I have plenty stashed here," she chirped. Her black hair was knotted and had split ends everywhere, and a worn out pink scrunchie was around her wrist.

"Thank you," I said sincerely, and I slowly gulped the cool liquid, letting it run down my dry throat. I only drank half, and then stashed it under the mouldy mattress in the corner.

"What's your name?" the girl asked, sitting cross-legged and putting her head on her hands. 

"I'm Anastasia Heart, what's your name?"

"Well I can't exactly remember, but I think it's Aurora. I don't remember my last name, I've been here since I was twelve." Her faced gloomed for a second but soon her smile was back on.

"Oh, well I've been here for nearly a month, and I'm seventeen," I said scooting closer to her. It was only now that it hit me. She looked familiar. Maybe from a party or one of Hazel's old school friends? But I didn't remember anyone saying they had a child missing.

"Well Anastasia, it's nice to finally see another human in this place," she said lying down on the dirt floor. "Sometimes people get locked up here, but they aren't very nice to me. Plus they are all old men too," she muttered and my heart tore a bit. "And don't even get me started on Vince, he's completely sick in the head.

The poor girl had been alone for so long, she looked to be thirteen or fourteen now.

There was a jangle at the door, and we both stood up. I moved in front of Aurora and she clutched my shirt in her hands.

The door swung open and a man, no older than 30 came in. He had chocolate brown eyes and tanned skin, and he held his finger up to his lips as we locked eyes. "I need you girls to continue talking, can you do that?"

We both looked at him confused, but nodded and a lady walked in after him. She had crystal blue eyes, and gave the man a quick kiss before pulling out two coats from her shirt.

"So Anastasia, what's the outside world like?" Aurora asked as the lady dressed us up in the coats. She nodded to the man and he looked both ways outside the room.

"Well it's warm where I'm from. I'm from Australia, born and raised," I answered as the two adults ushered us out of the room. The man stayed ahead of us, keeping guard as he produced a rather large pistol from his waistband, and quietly, he ushered us towards the back of a truck, his jacket rolling up to reveal a tattoo of a phoenix.

He was in Uncle Vladimir's top circle.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked, and I smiled, thinking of Quinn. My sweet, handsome mafia boy who I knew had something to do with this whole rescue operation, if that's what it was.

"Yes I do, his name's Quinn Walker."

She froze.


"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Queen. It's what I called my older brother when I was a little girl. I could never pronounce his name, but it was something like-"

"-Quinn," I finished for her.

Could this be Quinn's supposedly dead sister?

"Aurora, how did you end up here?" I asked shakily.

"My mother and I had picked up my brother from school when the car was crashed into from behind. They shot my mother and knocked my brother out before taking me here," she answered.

My eyes widened. The man and woman in the truck with us also stopped their hushed conversation, looking over to the girl whose eyes resembled only one other person.

"What?" she asked nervously.

The man pulled out his phone and quickly called a number. 

Quinn's POV

Thomas, Tina, and Charlie had rushed to pack overnight bags before heading onto their jet. Tina had been crying happy tears for the past two hours according to Jacob, who had been on the phone with her for quite some time after Ony had called us.

My hands had not stopped shaking.

Because according to that fucking Russian, my little sister was also alive.

The girl who Vince had been obsessed with, was my little Rory.

Rod and I had gotten into the car the second Ony had called us, leaving behind Jacob and Evelyn who were to meet Tina, Thomas and Charlie there before they too arrived at the hospital.

Rod and I pulled up to the back entrance of the hospital, where we were greeted by Clarissa and Ony, who shook our hands firmly. We had planned to meet at the warehouse, but the state of the girls had begun deteriorating by the minute, forcing Ony to take them to the one hospital in London that my father owned. 

They led us through the wards, and every nodded their heads to Clarissa who was a nurse here. 

She stopped outside a room, and opened the door. Two sleeping bodies were tucked tightly into their hospital beds, the only sounds in the room were the soft snoring. They were both hooked to drips, and my smile faltered slightly.

Anastasia looked peaceful, and that brought a smile to my face, but it only widened as I stared at the girl beside her. Tears began to gather in my eyes. 

Sure her face was older, but her hair was still as wild as it had been when she was little. The crescent moon scar on her neck from surgery as a child was there, and her button nose hadn't disappeared.

My sister was fucking alive.

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