September's End

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I held on to the clip board as P'Dean delegates tasks for us sophomores. It was our additional role for the year. Gone were the days we had it easy as freshmen in where we just have to follow instructions.

Technically, we're still following instructions. But this time we have to be involved with the planning and execution. They were starting to build our leadership skills as swimmers. We have to learn to initiate. To grow as leaders.

It made me feel uneasy. They were preparing us for a farewell. They're slowly passing the torch.

I felt a sudden heaving in my chest. I think I was going to have a panic attack. A drowning feeling starts to creep in.

"Are you alright, Nong?", Hia asked me with worry etched on his face.

I nodded and composed myself. We were in a huddle and Hia was on the other side near P'Dean. He's more attentive of me than usual that it's hard to mask my feelings around him.

P'Dean stopped talking and looked at us. His eyes were going back and forth between us. The whole club noticed and wondered why our President was sidetracked. I wanted to disappear at that time.

"I think we're done here. Go over your task while we wait for the neophytes.", P'Dean dismissed us which made me sigh in relief.

Our little huddle dispersed. The others went back to the lockers while others scattered through out the Pool Side.

Our numbers have dwindled below twenty after last year's seniors graduated. The minimum acceptable standard for a club in our university should be composed of at least twenty members. We have to reach the quota this year if we want to keep the club.

Hia and Mew went near me while P'Dean and P'Pruk continued to discuss the weeding out process.

"Did you eat lunch?", Hia asked me without a hint of worry now but I kept my guard.

"Team won't miss lunch for anything, Phi.", Mew answered for me like Hia had asked a ridiculous question.

His smart ass earned a glare from Hia which made him froze in place and look away sheepish. I knew he was covering his worry in his voice but his actions says otherwise.

"Chai, Hia. Skipping meals is not my habit.", I diverted his attention back to me.

He was sizing me up, "We still have an hour before the neophytes arrive. Let's eat."

I wasn't hungry to be honest but declining Hia's offer would guarantee a hawk's eye the whole afternoon so I just agreed to his invitation.

"Can I tag along?", Mew seemed to be asking permission like a kid.

Hia looked at him for a moment and flexed his eyebrow in agreement. Mew beamed and grabbed our club coats from the side bench. He gave me mine and I handed the clipboard to P'Pruk as we passed by them which garnered an amused look from him.

I just gave the senior an apologetic smile and went ahead to wear my coat as I skipped ahead of Hia and Mew.

The cafeteria wasn't filled with students during mid afternoon since most classes are on going during this time. We strolled along the stalls in search for something that would peak our interest.

I have tried almost all the food here within a year and I've been with Pharm and Manaow throughout. It was just half of the last school year that I was mostly with Hia in this place.

Nostalgia  slowly filled me as I looked at Hia who was busy scanning the stalls. He hasn't left yet but I felt like seeing a ghost of a future memory. He tilted his head upwards and breathed in.

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