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I saw her again. This girl that was oddly familiar. I tried to recall where I first met her, then I remembered. She was the one belting her lungs out with the band at our university's exposure. I took a picture of her and focused my lenses at the band playing at the stage after. She must be really a fan of Pacemaker just as I was with P'Bright's band. It would be a huge coincidence seeing her here if she wasn't a fan. 

Pacemaker was a pop band which wasn't my kind of genre but some of their songs are quite upbeat and you can easily dance to it just as what the crowd is doing right now

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Pacemaker was a pop band which wasn't my kind of genre but some of their songs are quite upbeat and you can easily dance to it just as what the crowd is doing right now. I stepped aside to avoid some dancers and bumped against another person.

"Khor thot khap.", I apologized and saw the girl waid at me in acknowledgement.

I just nodded at her and moved closer to the stage to take some close ups since my camera lens was of minor quality. I could buy some replacement for the lens without buying a whole new camera if I earn more. That was the beauty of detachable lenses which made me glad that Hia chose this particular camera. He must have thought that it was a good investment and I'm glad to make use of it now. 

When I got back to the dorm, I loaded the shots to my laptop and emailed them to Mook so she can choose the good ones and submit it for review

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When I got back to the dorm, I loaded the shots to my laptop and emailed them to Mook so she can choose the good ones and submit it for review. I hoped that a lot would be chosen. I could definitely use the cash to pay for my phone bills with Hia and other things that I'm saving up for.

I set up my laptop camera and decided to give him a call but there was no answer. I messaged him instead thinking that he might have afternoon classes right now. I should really memorize his new schedule so that we won't miss each other. I was just starting to get used to his old schedule when the new changes came for their new semester. I was having a hard time catching up, let alone that I had to keep tabs of my own schedule, as well. Aside from swimming practice, meets, academe and multiple odd jobs; I get to be invited now for interviews and modeling stints. I never knew multiple doors could open with winning a few medals. 


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Altered: Win and TeamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora