Griffin smiled when Fallon and Lucian emerged from the shower. He knew damn good and well what they were doing in that shower. As much as he ached to be part of it, he stayed in bed and waited for them to finish. When the time was right, he was going to remind each of them of this morning and their need to repay the favor with a little exclusivity. Even though he loved making love with both of them together, there were times when they needed to be a twosome. This morning was that time for Lucian and Fallon.

            After the way they’d spent the previous week, Griffin didn’t blame his brother. If it wasn’t for Fallon’s intervention, Griffin might not have been so quick to come around if at all. No other woman in the world would’ve done what Fallon did. Any other woman would’ve called them sick and fled from them long ago. Not Fallon. In her typically strong fashion, she worked through her early reservations and accepted the truth about them as well as her role in that truth. If Lucian needed to make Fallon aware of his gratitude for that, Griffin wasn’t going to stand in the way.

            Still nude, Griffin rose from their bed. “Hope you two saved me some hot water.”

            “Guess you’ll find out soon enough,” Lucian called after him as Griffin disappeared into the bathroom.

            They left him plenty of hot water, but Griffin didn’t linger in the shower. If he hadn’t been alone, he might’ve stayed a bit longer. Being that he only needed to wash up, he was in and out before they’d finished dressing.

            “That was fast,” Fallon observed when Griffin returned to their room. “Don’t tell me you already ran out of hot water.”

            “Nope,” Griffin said as he pulled on a clean pair of boxer briefs.

            Fallon let her eyes linger on his cock for a moment. Watching her watching him made his chest swell with pride. After a long moment, she moved her eyes to his face and was met with his satisfied grin. There was no shame in her eyes, which he loved. What good was her attraction to him if she didn’t let him know of it?

            “I’m going to see if Marshall’s up,” Fallon said. “I’ll meet you guys downstairs for breakfast in a bit.”

            While she went to see to their son, Griffin finished dressing and returned to the bathroom to brush and floss his teeth. Lucian was just finishing the same task when Griffin entered, except he’d done so in his underwear.

            The sight made Griffin’s breath catch in his throat. With one minor difference, he and Lucian shared identical bodies. Somehow, the barrel chest and rippling abdominal muscles and bulging thighs looked better on Lucian than they did on him.

            Lucian smiled but said nothing as he brushed past Griffin. As stupid as it was, Griffin felt a slight twinge of loneliness when he was the last one left in the bathroom. No doubt about it. His feelings for Lucian were alive and well and too strong. How the hell was he going to keep his hands off of Lucian when others were watching? Better yet, how was he going to keep those same people from figuring out he was in love with Lucian? Not just in love with him but so in love he was overcome with the need to touch him every time he was near.

            Just because Seth was their confidante didn’t mean Griffin wanted to expose that side of their relationship to him. Seth knew the truth about them, knew they were the same person and shared the same wife and the same bed. That much he knew for certain. The rest they left to his imagination out of a need to preserve some semblance of intimacy and privacy. Seth was also the least worrisome. The last thing Griffin needed was Angelica getting wise to the truth about him and Lucian and Fallon. She’d been cool so far, but there was no guarantee she wouldn’t turn on them and use that against them.

The Unholy Trinity IV- The Story ContinuesWhere stories live. Discover now