"No way! Maybe you can give us a tour!" Dahyun said excitedly as I smiled at her.

"Sure I would love to!" We both smiled at each other. Then I continued to pack.

When I finished packing I waited for the rest of them to finish. I already wanted to leave but I tried my best to be patient. When we finished we walked to the lobby to meet up with the other members, then I heard all the fans screaming from outside. Sometimes I forget I am with Twice and they are famous, I chuckled looking at all the fans screaming their names.

I walked up to Jihyo to ask her something, "Hey Jihyo do you know where we will be going first in the U.S.?"

"Someone seems excited" She smiled at me as I nodded at her.

"Of course!" I smiled back at her while waiting for her to answer.

"Well we are going to New York! It'll be all of our first time in the US! Will you be giving us a tour of California when we go?" Jihyo asked me.

"Of course I will! I'm excited!" I jumped up and down while walking towards Jeongyeon and Nayeon to join their conversation.

As we waited for the van I decided to pull out my phone to text Ryujin.

Y/N: Hey baby how are you?

I waited for a response but there was no reply. Maybe she is busy, I put my phone away and realized our van arrived. Once we got into the van after walking past all the screaming fans we drove to the airport.

When we reached the airport we went through the check in and security. It took forever but it was worth it because we are going to the US. When we were fully inside we waited by our gate until we can start boarding the plane.

When we were about to board the plane I called Ryujin. I know she may be busy but it's worth to try to call her.

Y/N: Hey baby how are you?

Ryujin: Fine.

Y/N: Oh... Okay...

Ryujin: I have to go

Y/N: Bye... I love y...

She ended the call before I was able to finish saying I love you and she didn't even say bye back. I hope everything is okay.

I became noticeably upset when boarding the plane. Dahyun went up to me with a concerned face.

"Are you okay Y/N?" She held my shoulder and looked at me.

"Not really..." I looked down at her. I am upset still about Ryujin. Is there a problem between us? Or is she stressed out about her training?

"Do you need me to comfort you during the plane ride?" Dahyun said to me as I looked at her with a surprised face.

"Won't Momo be mad?" I became concerned. Momo can be pretty scary if I am around Dahyun.

"I'm sure she wont be. I can tell her the reason as to why I am sitting next to you and she will understand." I slowly nodded at her. I am trusting that Momo won't glare me down later.

"Who is sitting next to you?" She asked me as I looked towards Sana's direction.

"Sana is sitting next to me" I pointed at Sana.

"Okay I'll ask her to move to my seat then." She walked towards both Sana and Momo to tell them. They finally agreed and Dahyun sat next to me on the flight.

"So what is wrong?" She asked as I began to think about what to say.

"I was calling Ryujin and she seemed so distant from me but I can't figure out why... When I called her she ended the call right away when I was about to say I love you and she didn't even say bye to me." I said while looking down and frowning.

"Maybe she is busy." She tried to reassure me.

"I don't think so" She was free because I know that around this time she wouldn't be doing anything. Plus even when she was busy she would at least take time to say bye.

"I just want to know what is wrong and why she is acting like that" I sighed.

"Maybe when it is the right time she will tell you" Dahyun reached over to my hand and I looked at her becoming flustered.

"I-I hope so..." I stuttered as I looked at the window to hide that my cheeks are burning up.

As I noticed she fell asleep I smiled and looked at her. Then I watched the movies which helped me cheer up. But I was also glad Dahyun decided to sit with me and talk to me about my problems. She is amazing and so understanding.

When we arrived I stretched a little bit since the flight was about 8 hours. I looked next to me to see Dahyun still asleep.

"Wake up" I spoke quietly as I poked her. She looked at me and then stood up right away after noticing we arrived.

I saw a lot of fans as we walked out and they were all of course English speakers. I was amazed to realize how many fans Twice has worldwide.

When I was looking at Twice while walking, I realized they aren't fully sure what their fans were saying. I noticed one of their fans that was trying to give Twice a letter.

"I love you Twice! Please take my letter!" A fan girl screamed as I walked towards her.

"Hello! I am Twice's photographer! I can give them the letter." I smiled at her while speaking in english as I took the letter out of her hand.

"Thank you so much! You are so pretty!" They smiled back at me.

"Thank you!" I waved at her as she waved back.

I walked back to the members and saw Dahyun looking at me shocked. She is looking at me like I am some kind of rare alien that can speak fluently in a different language.

"You are so good at English!" Her jaw dropped as she was surprised.

"Well of course! I was born in the U.S." I laughed at her as she just realized.

"Oh RIGHT!" She laughed with me too and I gave her the letter.

When we reached the van I was amazed by the view of New York. I have always wanted to go here ever since I was small but I was unable to since my parents were always busy. At least I was able to see New York through videos and pictures. It still feels unreal to be back in the U.S. but in all honesty I miss it and one day I hope to move back or at least be able to visit often.

When we reached the hotel it was already night time. Tomorrow they will have their concert so they will be practicing all day tomorrow. But after tomorrow we will be able to tour around New York. I am excited but I am too exhausted to jump around in excitement. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now