Chapter 80

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Knockout's P.O.V.

I grunted as I felt Outknock's fist collide against the side of my face. It caused me to stumble back a bit, glaring at him as I wiped Energon from my lip. "Hey, a rather cheap shot." I stated. I charged forward and threw my own punch. He smirked as he swept to the side, dodging the attack. Then he drew a swift kick to my side, making me grunt in pain. 

"You really should be out in the field more. Your battle skills are lacking." Outknock stated. I only grew more frustrated, and I shouted as I ran towards him and swung another punch. This time I made a hard impact upon his chasis. He grunted as he stumbled back, placing a hand over the dent in his chest. I didn't hesitate to raise my leg for a swift kick, kicking right up his chin.

He cried out, stumbling back as I performed another kick in his side. Then I brought my two hands together, raised my arms high, and slammed them into his head. This caused him to collapse onto the floor, groaning in pain.

"You have no right to say such things, buddy. And watch the paint." I said, brushing off my finish.

 I heard a loud grunt behind me, and whirled around to see Breakdown still having troubles with Blackairachnia. He was on his back, with some of that sticky webbing holding down his hammer arm. The Shadowcon loomed over his form, wearing a wide smile. I quickly got out my electric staff and turned it on.

"Get away from him, you wrench!" I snapped. I charged towards her, staff in hand. But she snapped her head in my direction and hissed. She held out one hand and shot her webbing, and before I knew it I was stuck against the wall. I attempted to break away, trying to pull my arms and legs free. But it was no use. I didn't stop struggling until I saw a shadow overlap my own, and I looked up in dread to see Blackarachnia's purple optics staring down at me.

"How adorable~ The medic tries to rescue his partner," she cupped my face with one hand, grazing the tips of her claws across my metal plating, "However, it seems that you'll take the fall instead."

One of her sharp legs was raised, ready to strike my spark. I watch with wide optics as I was undoubtly gonna witness my own demise. However, something exploded against Blackairachnia's shoulder, causing her to cry out in pain and go flying into the air. Outknock was just starting to get to his feet before she crashed right into him, causing them both to fall back onto the floor.

I looked to the other side, seeing that it was Breakdown who had shot that missile from his launcher on his shoulder. He looked to me and smirked. 

"That was a close one, wasn't it?" I smiled and chuckled a bit.

"Thanks for the save."

"Don't thank me yet." Breakdown replied as he used his free hand to rip off the webbing from his hammer. Once it was all off he stood up and walked towards me. He had me free in a matter of seconds. We both smiled at each other. He might not be the brightest mech, but I'm glad to have him as a partner. Someone who will always have my back.

We both faced our opponents, watching as they slowly got back onto their feet. Breakdown began to speak with an amused smirk. "Say, you guys keep spouting off about how you're so superior than us-"

"So then why did we just whoop your afts so easily~?" I finished. 

They growled at us. "Don't take us so lightly. We're just getting started!" Blackairachnia stated. "Well then, guess we'll just have to show you....that the originals are far better than you ever will be!" I stated. With that said, Breakdown and I charged towards them, and they charged towards us.

Dreadwing's P.O.V.

I drew my sword and charged towards the imposter. I raised it above my head, jumped up and brought it down towards Quakesky. He smirked as he raised both hands and caught the blade. We struggled for a moment, glaring deeply into each other's optics. However he moved his hands to the right, causing the sword to slip out of my hands and slide across the room. I suppose I'll have to resort to my fists.

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