Chapter 24

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Airachnid's P.O.V.

Bumblebee barely dodged the next beam from the Immobilizer, ducking behind a rock. Optimus did the same, ducking the opposite direction, then started to try and blast me. I leaped from another rock and blasted from the Immobilizer. He ducked behind the rock, and I took the chance to dig underground quickly. In one swift motion I dug out from behind Optimus and his scout.

"Freeze." I said, blasting that Immobilizer at Optimus. The Prime was struck, freezing in place. Bumblebee started to blast at me multiple times, forcing me to retreat to higher grounds. 

"He's faster than he looks." 

Nightstreak's P.O.V.

I watched silently from the sky, seeing the battle Bumblebee and Airachnid were having. However suddenly, something tugged at my spark uneasily. I immediately felt a sense of dread, or perhaps it was fear. The feeling was difficult to describe, but one thing was for certain.

Something was very wrong. 


I quickly flew back towards the direction of Arcee and Starscream, feeling confident that Airachnid could handle herself, as well as not be able to defeat the scout so easily. They would both be fine I think. But something was wrong with Starscream....

Starscream's P.O.V.

Arcee used her blades to block my punch, causing her to skid back. I continued to try and slash at her with my claws, but she blocked each strike. However, feeling the upper hand made me chuckle as I slashed upright. However a quick kick to my face caused me to stumble back. I panted and smirked as we both slowly circled each other. 

"You're tougher to scrap than your former least the one I scrapped. Was Tailgate weak like Cliffjumper?" I said in a taunting tone. While she continued to baby her wound with one hand, she kept her cold glare on me while she panted hard.

"Just....keep....talking Starscream." she muttered. Then she tried to slash at me with her blade.

Airachnid's P.O.V.

I looked around, seeing that the scout had disappeared, probably taking cover behind one of the rock towers.

"Tell me bug, do you think Megatron will enjoy his new trophies?" I asked. I started to slowly approach Bulkhead. 

"He'll probably use the bulky one here for target practice." I said, knocking the big Autobot over on his back. Then I leaped on top of Optimus, looking over him with new opportunity.

"Prime is the true prize. Perhaps he'll adorn the prow of Megatron's warship." I said replied, chuckling darkly. I used my hand blasters to blast near some rocks, hearing some crack and fall under the smoke. Then I could hear Bumblebee's blasters. A few blasts even came at my direction. I dodged them, and blasted the Immobilizer into the large dust cloud. I chuckled as the dust cleared, revealing Bumblebee frozen in a running position.

"But you bug, I suspect Megatron will simply dismantle you for spare parts." I stated. I walked back to the Prime, turning my back to the frozen scout.

"As a rogue, a scavenger, I should disappear into the night with this treasure. But using it to worm my way into Megatron's favor is too good an opportunity to pass up. Wouldn't you say Prime?" I said, looking up at the frozen Autobot leader. I smiled wickedly at the thought.

"I mean with results like this I could earn Megatron's eternal trust-" I stopped at the sound of light footsteps behind me, and whirled around. However I was greeted with a punch to the face, falling on my back and the Immobilizer falling out of my hands. The sound of a blaster rang through my audio receptors, and I saw the pieces of the weapon fall before me. That fool! Does he not realize what he has destroyed?! My opportunity with Megatron! I glared at the scout.

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