Chapter 17

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Breakdown's P.O.V.

I finally felt consciousness slip back into me, feeling my head start to pound. I slowly looked around my surroundings, small groans escaping my lips as I did. Giant metal machines surrounded me, and suddenly my eyes widened as I started to recall what happened.

"Huh?! What?!" I tugged on my wrists and ankles, only to see that they had been held down by metal restraints. I growled and shouted as I continued my struggle. I'm one of the biggest cons on the Nemesis! How in Primus are these cuffs so strong?! Eventually I gave up, seeing that it wouldn't help to waste my energy.

Suddenly there was the sound of a sliding door, and I looked up to see humans walking out of a door on a higher level. I growled as they entered. They wore creepy black suits with large goggles, and they stood behind a large computer with a orange screen. Finally my anger got the best of me.

"Filthy fleshings! Who do you think you are?!" I snapped. One human approached closer to the edge of the level he stood upon. His face was pale, and a he had quite a few scars on his face.

"We are MECH, and I am Silas." he replied. I guess he's the leader.

"Release me now and I will let you live!" I said. Of course it was a lie. The moment I was free I would smash them all like the bugs they are. 

"I'm afraid you are far too valuable to us." Silas replied. I chuckled. I see, they want some sort of ransom or some bull scrap like that. 

"Megatron will never pay a ransom." I stated. Hearing this aloud, and knowing it was true, I suddenly realized I was on my own. No one was coming to save me. Not Megatron, Starscream, not even Knockout. I felt nervous knowing this.

"Oh you misunderstand," I snapped my attention back to the human, "We don't want a ransom. We want only you." he replied. I again tried to pull on the restraints, however they still would not budge.

"Full enclosure, we intend to pull you apart. Break you down if you will." he said, making my optics widen. That is not good.

"And we will utilize whatever we discover to develop a new generation of weaponry." Silas explained. He snapped his fingers, and one of his human allies climbed on top of my chest. One of the giant drills that surrounded me started to come closer. Silas came down from the higher level from some stairs, coming over to me.

"I'm afraid that you won't survive the process. So thank you in advance for your sacrifice. MECH is very much in your debt." he said. I growled at him.

"You are making a very big mistake little man! When I'm finished with you they'll have to scrape you off the floor." I stated. He walked over to my face and knelt down, a smug look on his face.

"Since you evidently aren't squimish, I'll allow you to watch." he said. He looked at the man that stood on my chest. "Are his pain receptors off?" he asked. The man nodded.

"Good, then he won't make as much noise." Silas said. He gave me an almost evil look.

"Open him up." The drill came even closer, closer to my face. My optics widened as the drill almost touched my optic, fear filling within my spark.

Nighstreak's P.O.V.

I hopped out of the ground bridge, rolling and landing silently on the ground, keeping a squatting position. Bloodsurge flew beside me, landing quietly on the dirt. The ground bridge closed behind us, and I took a huge breath in.

"If Megatron finds out I'm here....I'm scrapped." I stood up, quietly creeping in the darkness of the abandoned town. Bloodsurge padded behind me, his little claws making clacking sounds. It caused me to wince, and I looked back at the mini con. I placed a finger to my screen, telling him to be quiet. He tilted his head, then nodded. He looked down at his own claws and started to practice his stealth, only to stand on a human trash lid, making a loud clanging sound, and causing him to screech in surprise. I sighed.

Nightstreak: The Decepticon That Changed Everything (tfp fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora