Chapter 68

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Nightstreak's P.O.V.

I sighed, carefully tucking away the specimen in a hidden door I had in my quarters. "There, that should be good. No one should find it in here." I murmured, closing the door. It was a hidden door I had installed myself, with the help of Soundwave. It was a better place to store my journal where I record all my personal feelings and secrets, and its also where Soundwave I will put other things....such as the fossils we'll steal. 

That's right, we had just recently taken one from the last mission Shockwave was on. Luckily, it seems no one suspects it was me. Course, they don't know I can even create purple ground bridges, or just the dark energon within my spark in general. With Soundwave and I stealing and hiding the fossils, no other Predacons can be cloned, and they can't harm the Autobots or any humans.

There was a knock at my door, making me jump slightly. "Coming!" I called, approaching the door. Frostbite was more than eager to greet the visitor, scratching at the door. Once I had approached the door it slid open, revealing Knockout.

"Ah, there you are, I was hoping I could- GAH!" Frostbite immediately leaped up and tackled Knockout onto the ground, licking at his face and covering him in energon saliva. I gasped, wings flickering. 

"Frostbite! Get off him right now!" I stated. Bloodsurge chirped and hopped to Knockout's side. The red medic scrambled to get the pup off him and put him aside. "You disgusting mutt! I just waxed the finish! Now I'm all slimy!" he snapped. Bloodsurge hopped onto Knockout's lap and nuzzled him, making the medic sigh. "I'm so sorry, Knockout! Here, let me help you up." I said, shooing off Bloodsurge and grabbing his hand, pulling Knockout to his feet. He grunted in disgust as he wiped off the saliva.

"I thought you were training these animals." Knockout hissed, glaring at the two. 

"I deeply apologize, they don't mean any harm. Anyway, what did you wish to see me for?" I asked. Knockout looked at me and smirked. 

"I wanted to show you something that Breakdown found earlier today." 

Le time skip

"What in the world...." I murmured, approaching the berth. Laying upon it...looked like a clone of Breakdown. Except it had a color scheme of black and purple, and it was definitely lifeless. "Breakdown found this? How strange. What is it?" I asked. I had never seen something like this. "I'm not quite sure. It was quite bizarre to me as well. I thought it was a clone at first, but I took a sample of its fluids from the inside and examined it. Whatever it is, its not a Cybertronian, it doesn't have the slightest trace of CNA. It doesn't even have any energon fluids." Knockout explained.

"It's not a Cybertronian? But then, why does it look like one, eerily like Breakdown at that?" I said. I slowly circled the berth, and even waved a hand in front of its face. It certainly looks dead, but honestly it was hard to just believe so.

"I assure you, this thing is lifeless." Knockout stated deadpanned. "Does Megatron know what you have discovered?" I asked. "Well, not yet..." Knockout replied, almost in a mischievous tone. I turned to face him, tilting my head.

"Why not? Certainly our master should know of this, shouldn't he?" I said. We have no idea where this thing came from. Who made it? And are there more out there? If so, then what do they plan to do? These questions continued to swirl through my head, but Knockout gave me a simple hand wave, as if ignoring my statement.

"Oh please, let us not be so rash. Megatron is quite occupied with various other things at the moment. Let us not bother him unless it is absolutely necessary. Besides, I've been wanting to experiment with the synthetic energon. And now I have the perfect lab rat." Knockout replied. I looked to the clone on the berth, and back at Knockout.

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