Chapter 23

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Airachnid's P.O.V.

Well scrap.

I didn't hesitate to use my spider legs to run back towards Starscream. 

"Airachnid! You traitor!" Starscream snapped as I ran over him and towards the blocked dirt. I used my spider legs to drill a tunnel out, drilling out all the dirt until I reached the surface. However, rather than running into the woods, I dove back into the dirt, waiting to see if any stray Autobots would emerge from my tunnel. Through the little peep hole I made, I saw Arcee emerge from the tunnel, her blaster pointed at her surroundings. I chuckled, then drilled up beside her, causing her to stumble back.

"Arcee~" I said.

"I didn't peg you for re-designing with the Decepticons." Arcee replied with a small smirk. She brought out her blade from her forearm, coming towards me.

"A temporary arrangement Arcee. You know I prefer working alone." I replied, dodging a punch and a kick she threw at me. I grabbed her ankle with one of my spider legs, slammed her onto the ground, then tossed her aside. She landed on her feet however, and again charged for me. When she tried to swipe at me with her blade I dodged, grabbed onto her arm, then bending back her other wrist. In this position, she can't  move.

"Speaking of, adding any more deceased partners to your growing list?" I asked, choking her slightly with my arm, which was around her throat.

"Airachnid! Release her!" I looked over to see the Prime charging straight towards me, pointing his blaster at me. While a chance to rip Arcee to pieces would be delightful, I'd rather not take on the Optimus Prime. With that in mind, I shoved Arcee aside and transformed into my alternate mode, flying as far away as I could north. Sorry Starscream, but it was either you or me. Now, I believe he said north of here, by a stone arch....

Starscream's P.O.V.

I grunted as they shoved me out of the tunnel, heading closer to Arcee and Optimus.

"Move it!" Bulkhead snapped.

"No need to use force." I said as they shoved me onto my knees. I looked up at the Prime, knowing there was no use of trying to hide anything.

"I'll tell you anything you want to know." I stated.

"Is that right? And what do you want in return?" Bulkhead asked. I looked down for a moment. Do I really want to ask this? Then again....what have I got to loose now? I can't dare return to Megatron, especially with Airachnid tainting my reputation at every given opportunity.

"I want to be....on your side." I said, almost in a whisper. All of the Autobots looked at me shocked, then Bulkhead laughed.

"On our side?" he asked in an amused tone. I smiled nervously. However Bulkhead simply laughed off my request.

"Yeah right, and I've been lobbying with the fallen!" Bulkhead said mockingly. 

"Yo wouldn't betray the Decepticons." Arcee said. Technically I already have, many times. Not quite the point however.

"Wouldn't I? What have they done for me lately? Besides humiliate me, spy on me, demote me! Megatron tried to extinguish my spark in cold blood! Then all but replaced me with that traitorous wretch Airachnid, she abandoned me! Left me for scrap!" I looked at them, feeling the anger flare in my spark.

" why not rat them out?" 

Optimus, Bulkhead, and Arcee slowly turned away, probably to discuss their decision in private. Bumblebee pointed his blaster at me, making me pout.

Nightstreak's P.O.V.

I could only stare in disbelief at what Starscream said to the Autobots, watching from the tunnel Airachnid had made.

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