The Ability Game Competition (Day 2)

Start from the beginning

The other teams were defeated by Dragon's Team and Goddess Team. Which means there are only three teams were left in this battle. But then when the Dragon's Team and Goddess Team tries to attack each other, the Goddess team were defeated by Royalty Team. Which means the battle is between Dragon's Team and Royalty Team.

Chelia: Wendy win this game for us.
Wendy: Ok. We'll do it!

The girls from Royalty Team surrounds Mikoto and tries to pop her balloon. But then Mikoto manage to pop Kobayashi and Cat Claw's balloons.

Mikoto: Hahaha. So it's just only you three left!
Shokuhou: (Uses her telepathy) Alright! Let's all get Misaka's balloo...

Shokuhou did not finnished what she's instructing her team cause Wendy uses her wind magic in order to lift her sand balls then hit the balloons of her team's opponents.

Announcer: Wow! It looks like Dragon's Team are undefeated. The winner of this game will be the powerful, Dragon's Team! I guess dragons are trully strong.

This is the updated scores of each teams

1st Dragon's Team - 50 pts
2nd Goddess Team - 38 pts
3rd Royalty Team - 35 pts
4th Glamour Knights - 15 pts
5th A Certain Team of Espers - 15 pts

Kuroko: Geez! I thought we're gonna be 3rd place after that. I hate that Royalty Team. Especially Misaki Shokuhou. Grr!!!

Announcer: Alright folks! It's time for lunch. Get ready for the next game. This will be testing your strength and limits based on your personal reality.

Mikoto: Alright Wendy, let's find Kuroko's team.
Wendy: Yeah.
Kuroko: Hey Sissy! I gotta say, your team's pretty strong.
Mikoto: Hold on! The event is just getting started. Maybe you're team gonna win next.
Kuroko: (smiles) Yeah.

Chelia comes to the three of them.

Chelia: Wendy! (Hugs Wendy so tight like she missed her.)
Wendy: (Grunting) Chelia! You're choking me! Let me go!
Chelia: No. I don't think so. (Still hugging Wendy)

Then Misuzu, Sherry, Carla, Uiharu and Romeo comes to the four of them.

Uiharu: Congratulations guys!
Romeo: Wendy, you're awesome!
Wendy: (smiles)
Uiharu: (Looks down for a while, trying to get Romeo's attention.)
Chelia: (Glares at Romeo) (Looks at Uiharu)
Romeo: Oh I'm sorry. You're awesome too Uiharu. (Pats Uiharu's head)
Uiharu: (smiles)
Misuzu: Alright that's enough. Now, let's go to the family restaurant.
Wendy: Yay! I'm gonna eat 4 plates of steak! (acts like a spoiled brat)
Chelia: Wow! You're really hungry little kid. (teasing Wendy)
Wendy: Hey don't call me little kid! (pouts) (looks embarrassed)
Chelia: (giggles) (In her mind: Aww! she's so cute! This is what I like her, when she feels embarrassed.)

They went inside the restaurant and they ordered lots of steak, as Wendy requests. While the girls are eating their meals. Misuzu and Sherry starts planning about getting the Forbidden Spell Book.

Sherry: What now?
Misuzu: We need to use the independent guild named Crime Sociere, which are Jellal, Ultear and Meredy. Maybe they know where that book is.

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