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𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐀 walked down the hall rubbing her eyes. Man, the homework was really getting to her. She stumbled upon a young boy running away in fear from a snake. Looking up she saw the Weasley twins laughing on the floor, clutching their stomach. Sam scoffed. and because she was a prefect....."10 points from Gryffindor."

 The duo looked up and we're about to say something when professor Snape joined in, he sneered at them. 

"20 points from Gryffindor" she smirked at the twins but it was wiped off from her face when Snape says "Don't think you're getting off the hook so easily Miss. Shaklebolt, 10 points from Ravenclaw as well" 

she twirled  around to face the professor her jaw falling open " but, but I didn't even do anything" Snape looked toward the first year who was getting quite nervous from the professors intense glare. He looked at Sam trying to find comfort but all he got was another glare, daring him to lie. "She didn't do anything Professor Snape, in fact she took away points from them too"

 The kid mumbled quietly. Snape didn't look happy 

he turned around his cloak billowing around him and stomped off angrily. She turned to the twins and smirked again in victory, who in turn looked at her hair and laughed. She scoffed at the idiots. Last year she had been a victim to their dumb pranks and had her hair turn blue. 

Fred then proceeded to ask her to the yule ball in front of the whole school,

So naturally she rejected him in front of the whole school. 

She thought the blue would wash away after a day but it never did so she waited about 3 days before she threatened to cruse the Weasley twins senseless unless they find an antidote and fix her hair. They laughed and didn't take her seriously.

They soon found out that they should always take the young Shaklebolt seriously. 

He hair has never returned to her normal shade of black, it actually grew out blue now. She tried to dye her hair but it seemed like it was immune to dye. she tried wigs as well but the wigs would turn the same blue as her hair. 

Sam got a lot of compliments on her hair. It contrasted greatly with her pale skin that - god bless - was very clear and glassy. She actually really loved her hair but would never tell them that. So instead she turned around and walked away. Little did she know the twins had other plans because apparently they never learn their lesson. 

Sam walked into the library to study well aware of Madam Pince' s glare on her. She always glared at her, ever since she caused a ruckus when she cursed the twins. George on the other side of the bookshelves was thinking the same thing because he said "I really don't think we should be doing  this Fred. remember last year? "he gripped his crotch and even Fred grimaced. The girl had cursed them so badly that it had hurt to piss and were in the infirmary for quite a bit.  He'd been wanting to take revenge so badly but were always too scared. Fred waved him off 

"We'll be fine, she can't necessarily kill us remember that's against the law"

George rolled his eyes "Yes, but she'll make our lives a living hell"

"We'll be fine you big baby, since when did you back out from pranks?"

"I'll back out of anything to do with her" he grumbled.

Fred rolled his eyes. turning back to the blue haired girl, Fred suddenly had a huge pain flash up his crotch area and his eyes watered, George seeing this ran over "what the fuck" George whispered. They both looked at Sam who was peacefully doing her homework but had a huge smirk on her face. Fred growled and stood up. "Not smart idea but oh well" George shrugged. 

Fred walked over to her putting on a calm and careless demeanor. He plucked her wand right out of her hair, the wand, supposedly was the only thing keeping her hair up because her blue hair fell to her shoulder immediately. he was sort of mesmerized by this, how the girl had such nice hair? he didn't know Fred himself had very short hair (after his mother chopped off all of his hair) and couldn't take care of it. 

She glowered up at him and snatched her wand back and grumbled under her breath about 'motherfuckers' and 'hair'. He sat down beside her and watched as she put her hair back in and stuck her wand in. she looked at him and sneered "

"What in the world do you want now?"

"That's not a very nice thing to say to your future husband." he said with a lopsided smile

Her face was so disgusted that Fred had to laugh. George slid in the seat next to her. she audibly sighed.

 "What do you even have against us?" George commented. Sam looked at him as if he were stupid. then she proceed to take a lock of hair that fell out and said "oh I don't know, I wonder what." she scoffed at him. she seemed to be doing that a lot around them.

She sighed again. "Can I help you" she said. Way too tired to be dealing with them. The twins looked at each other. "Yes you can actually" George started "with our potions essay" Fred finished a bit sheepishly.  

"By help do you mean copy" she raised a eyebrow

The twins looked at each other a laughed. They proceeded to sit down across from her and whip out a piece of parchment with ink and a quill. Surprisingly they didn't copy but they asked questions which Sam tolerated. They're company's wasn't bad. They left after finishing their essay and said goodbye which Sam just waved off. 


Sam trudged to the great hall she was quite hungry. As if on cue her stomach rumbled and her mouth watered. She plopped down across from her best friend and instantly started stuffing her face with food. 

"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to come out of their cave." Verona, her best friend said. 

Sam who was still stuffing her face with chicken shrugged. "My mom will kill me if she found out I was failing a class! And that women is fucking scary." Sam shuddered. Verona rolled her eyes "now you just lying, she's the sweetest person ever." 

"Only to you" Sam shuddered again then shrugged eating a treacle tart. "Are you finally gonna eat and sleep now" Verona jokes yet Sam could see she was worried. "Yup I decided fuck divination and fuck tramway. Wait I don't think that's her name. Anyways my mom will freak out but that's fine she'll only ground me for life but I know she'll forget so I think I'll be cool. And I need my beauty sleep" Verona shook her head an amused expression on her face. 

Sam pulled over her hood from her grey hoodie that she was wearing. Then she shivered oh how she regretted wearing only shorts that you can't even see! Her gray converse matched with her hoodie. She looked like a sad collage student who was broke. Hoodie, converse, bun, puffy eyes, yup broke collage student indeed. 

Verona reached across the table and grabbed her wrist and shook it "look how bony you've become" Sam snatched her hand back. 

"I'm fine babe stop worrying I'll start eating now, my grades are somewhat decant. Expect goddamn divination." She grumbled. 

"And sleeping" Verona said

"Yes mother"

"What's with you and divination"

"Well for starters that women is insane, she always tells me that's I'm gonna die next week, I'm gonna die next week and blah blah and then guess what I'm fine. And then she tells me I don't have the third eye like bitch I don't need a third eye to see your bullshit. And ugh the stupid subject I hate it and I'm failing it which is just the perfect cherry on top. And then those stupid twins especially Fred they think they can ruin my life and then waltz right back in as if nothing happened, dumb idiots."

Verona raises an eyebrow "when did it go from divination to Fred Weasley." She smirked and Sam instantly got was she was saying and gagged 

"ewww trust me I don't like him I would know if I did I'm sure I would tell you."

She scrunched her face in disgust. 

she hated, really hated and absolutely loathed Fred Weasley's guts. 

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ~ 𝐅. 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant