A worried boyfriend// Chapter 31

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I eventually looked back at my phone confused at the whole random phone call. It was now 5:30 and I guess I would go home anyway. I had class and that way I could truly get ready. I walked back over to Kags and kissed his forehead softly. I then quietly gathered up my things and left a note on the table for Kags mom telling her that we made up and thanks for letting me stay.

When walking home I could barley focus, I wasn't fully awake yet and just wanted to sleep. I was so comfortable, I should have just ignored the phone call. I didn't have any money on my either so I couldn't purchase something to help keep me awake.

Luckily I was friends with Kiyoko. She knew my brother and I have known her since middle school. It has always sucked that we have been a few years apart but she has always been there for me. When we first met she was dating my brother, she choose to break up with him and kept the friendship we had started. I never told Aiko about it because I knew he would be upset, I mean she was his ex.

I took out my phone and started to dial Kiyoko's number, I couldn't walk anymore and her house was close. "Hello?" She asked sounding fully awake. "Kiyoooo" I spoke into the phone. "Y/n is that you? You are sure up early?" "It's a long story but can I crash at your house, then we can go to school together," "Oh sure, when should you be here?" I walked up to her door and rung the doorbell. "Now?" She hung up and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Kiyoko! I missed you and i'm so tired," I told her falling into her arms.

"I see, come on you can get a extra hour of sleep in my room and I will make some coffee. I was just going to go on a jog," Kiyoko tells me, leading me up to her room.

"You are the best!" I fall on top of her bed and quickly slide under the covers drifting off. It wasn't the same as being with Kageyama but it didn't matter right now. "Ugh no," I groaned feeling someone shake my shoulders.

"Y/n get up it's almost time for school. I ironed your uniform so time to change," Kiyoko whispered softly.  I stretched my arms and sat up grabbing my uniform and walking off into the bathroom to change. I finished changing and brush my teeth with my finger, sure it was the cleanest but at least my teeth looked decent. I found a hairbrush and brushed through my tangled locks.

I finally looked decent and walked downstairs to where Kiyoko was looking at her phone intensely.

"Is something wrong?" I inquired confused on what could be so important on that phone.

"Oh nothing," She sighed placing her phone on the counter eating her breakfast. I took a seat next to her and picked up the phone realizing it was on a text message page with Yachi.

"Yachi? Did you guys get in a fight?" I asked showing her the phone screen. She calmly took the phone out of my hand and placed it on the table.

"It's nothing, we didn't get in a fight. I just thought she was going to text me about something but she hasn't,"

"Oh, is it something really important? You seem bummed that she didn't text you,"

"You could say it's important, but it's okay. Anyways finish up eating and we can walk to school together. I plugged in your phone and seemed you got a voicemail from someone,"

"Really? I will look at it later, this looks really good!" I started to dig into the food and then grabbed my bag with my phone. I was all ready, Kiyoko and I talked about what was going on in our lives. Except I left out the part about my parents and she left out something important in her life too. "Bye Kiyoko!"

I waved her off while I started to walk down the hall to my classroom. "Hi Hinata! Hi Kageyama!" I walked in waving high and took my seat near them. Kags looked a little upset but I didn't bother asking him. It was probably something annoying Hinata said.

"Hey y/n! Did you do good on the math test?" Hinata asked with a sweet smile on his face.

"I didn't do great but not bad," I smiled back at him and then class started. The class day was normal, learning new things and doing useless work, I mean being productive. But once it was the break time I jumped out of my seat and rushed off. I found a little extra money I could use to buy Kageyama something. I bought him a strawberry milk and started walking back towards the classroom when Hinata and Tobio came out. "Hey guys!" I waved to them and they walked over to me, taking our seats at a bench. "Here ya go Kags," I slide the milk towards him and his face brightened up.

"Thanks," He moved from sitting next to Hinata to me. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and I felt a little hot not expecting the subtle affection. I watched them eat while striking up a conversation.

Lunch felt very short and then it was back to class.
Finally the day was over and I went to say goodbye to Kags wishing him luck at practice.

"Bye Kags," I gave him a small hug.

"Hey why did you leave this morning?"

"Oh, I got a call from someone saying I should get home, that it was important. I didn't make it home all the way since I was really tired and crashed at Kiyokos place,"

"Are you sure it's not just because you don't like staying with me,"

"Kags, of course it isn't!" I gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and continued my walk. I let him go off to practice and started on my way home. I had forgot about the phone call all day until I was walking through my front door.

"Y/n you were supposed to come home!" My mother scolded me once I walked in the door.

"I'm so sorry mother, it's a long story. Anyway, where is-"

"You should have came home quicker," My mother broke out into tears.

Kageyama X reader/ And the Story Begins... Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu