Checking on you// Chapter 4

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"Oh, um i'm y/n" I quickly said. I looked down at my lunch. I wasn't really interested in making conversation right now. I just wanted some time alone.

"Nice to meet you, you should go back to eating with the other first years. Anyway see you around!" Asahi responded giving me a kind smile and running into the gym. He seemed kind but he had such a different kind of aura almost making him seem intimidating.
I went back to eating my lunch. I don't care about the other first years, I can finish this school year and do my own thing all by myself.

All of a sudden another guy came jogging towards my way. I couldn't make out exactly who he was, just that he was taller. I just thought to myself that this guy must be looking for someone else so I looked down at my food and played with it.

"y/n?" a boy questioned. I turned my head up and there was Kageyama standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked rudely.

"I could ask the same," Kageyama grumbled.

"Do you need something?" I asked.

"God, you are so irritating." Kageyama declared.

"Excuse me?" I questioned him, figuring I heard him wrong. I know he wasn't the kindest type, but was he always this blunt.

"You heard me, you are so irritating," Kageyama repeated.

"My bad," I responded sarcastically. "If i'm so irritating then just don't talk to me."

"That's fine by me," Kageyama argued. "But Hinata thinks that you need some friends or something. And he said that if I helped him and I would be somewhat nice to you, he would stop being stupid during practice and not bother me for a week."

"Wait, I don't want sympathy. I'm fine by myself," I emphasized.

"Okay but Hinata wants to be your friend and not just because he feels bad,"

"This is stupid,"

"Yeah, why did you run away?" Kageyama asked sitting down next to me.

"Um I don't know,"

"Yeah you do," Kageyama responded looking right at me.

"No I don't," I told him, then eating some rice. Kageyama stared at me for another couple seconds then grabbed a broccoli I had in my bento box.

"Can I have these vegetables,"

"Well your going to eat them anyway right?"

"True," Kageyama grabbed my bento box and then started eating my food from it. All of a sudden the bell went off and lunch was over. Kageyama put the lid over my bento box and handed it back to me. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him back to class. I couldn't wrap my mind around him just grabbing it out of nowhere and I started to feel hot.
Once we got to the outside of the classroom he let go of my wrist.

"You owe me," Kageyama told me, then walked into the classroom. He sat down in the seats we were in before and talked to Hinata. Hinata's face lit up once he saw I was walking in.

"Y/n! There you are, I hope you are okay!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Yes, yes I am. Thank you Hinata," I quickly responded. I looked back down at my work. I could feel some aura of someone staring at me. But I knew it wasn't Hinata, I just ignored it and went on with my work.

Finally the school day was over and it was time to head home. I packed up my stuff and started to leave.

"Hey y/n are you going home?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah, it looks like it's at that time,"

"Why don't you come to our volleyball practice? It's crazy, Kageyama and I have this super cool quick attack. You have to come and see it! It goes like wooh then swoosh then I go boom!" Hinata proclaimed.

"Wow that sounds cool, I think," I joked. Kageyama let out a small chuckle. I looked at him and then he stopped laughing.

"So what do you think, you can just watch. Then after practice we can introduce you to everyone," Hinata beamed.

"Oh um, I have homework and that kind of thing," I added.

"Pleaseeeeee! please, please, please," Hinata begged.

"Um, I would just be a bother plus I doubt Kageyama wants me there," I told him. Hinata turned straight to Kageyama. Kageyama looked down at him confused. It was like he was spacing out the whole time.

"What is it dumba**, we're going to be late to practice," Kageyama declared.

"You want y/n to come to practice right?" Hinata asked with a soft smile on his face.

"Hinata stop being stupid, let's go she is probably busy."

"Do you want me to go?" I asked Kageyama.

Kageyama looked at me then turned his face away and I did the same.

"Sure, I mean I don't care. I wouldn't mind if you did because you probably need some excuse not to do your work," Kageyama declared.

"Yeah, I guess I do need an excuse, I'll go." I responded with a sly smile.

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