Dragged along// Chapter 17

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"Wah! What was that?" I asked sitting back up looking at Kageyama.

"Oops, I was bored,"

"Kags," I sighed, thanking the universe it was just him. I layed back down sighing again but this time moving even a little closer to Kageyama. The I felt his arms wrap around the front of my waist pulling me over to him, closing the distance.

"I'm here baby, i'm not leaving you got it?"

Kageyama asked me playfully. I was finally felling safe now inside his arms and my sleepiness was catching up with me. I closed my eyes. "Baby?" Kageyama questioned making sure I was paying attention.

"Hm?" I asked half awake.

"Oh nothing, just sleep well." I buried my head on his chest and started drifting off. "Who thought I would act like such a love sick loser like i'm acting for you," Kageyama spoke to himself. I was now asleep dreaming about going to mars with friends and then going to paris with Kageyama. I had no idea why I dreamt that but the I did.

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I was still inside Kageyama's arms. He was so amazing and I could just stay here all day but I had to see what time it was. I slowly tried to move out of his grip. Once I made it out I reached for my phone realizing it was 12:30. I then remember that Kageyama had afternoon practice today.

"Kags, wake up," I said softly poking him.

"Ugh stop, you stupid dumba*s," He responded still asleep.

"Kageyama come on, you need to get up,"

"Ugh you baka you wish,"

"Kageyama!" I raised my voice now, shaking him.

"Huh what?" Kageyama said now awake.

"You have practice at 1:00 it's 12:35," I told him.

"Ugh, I have an extra practice outfit at the gym," Kageyama sat up and moved out of the bed heading to the bathroom. I took this moment to change. I threw on some sweatpants and a floral shirt on top. I started to brush through my hair when Kageyama came back.

"How did you sleep?" I asked all happy. I had slept great with Kageyama. It was so amazing to be able and be with him.

"Not good, someone liked to kick,"

"Really?" I asked now nervous I embarrassed myself in my sleep.

"No, I slept amazing!" I finished my hair and went downstairs to get him a glass of milk.

"Here ya go Kags,"

"Thanks," We sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Kageyama quickly gulped down the milk and put the glass in the sink. "I should get going to practice,"

"Okay, have fun," Kageyama left running out the door. I went after him and locked the front door. I felt so much better this morning and I wasn't that scared. But the house was kind of messy from the pizza and I should pick up some dishes.

I picked up all of my stuff and made sure the house was nice and put together. I then took a nap still being a little tired from not getting to be till late. I didn't wake up again until it was around 6:30 pm. I woke up to my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I asked slowly.

"Hey, i'm coming over okay?"


"So," the guy started. I hung up and went to unlock the door. I feel back asleep on the couch.

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking loudly.
"It's open," I told the person at the door. I was still mostly asleep not paying attention.

"Stupid, you shouldn't leave the door unlocked and why did you hang up on me?" Kageyama asked me all frustrated.

"Sorry, I was catching up on sleep, not thinking that much,"

"Oh," Kageyama sounded relieved. He moved over to the couch by me and I got up. He then sat right next to me.

"How was practice?" I asked trying to make up for hanging up on him.

"It was good, but you need to wake up we are going out tonight,"

"Wait what?" I questioned now fully awake.

"Yeah some of the guys from volleyball wanted to get some food and they said we should invite you so I told them I would ask you,"

"Okay you asked me, now I don't want to go,"

"Oh come on, it's just Hinata, Tanaka, Tsukki, Yamaguchi, Noya, and Asahi."

"That's like half the team, and why them?"

"No reason, i'm friends with them,"

"No you always complain about them except Asahi and Yamaguchi," I reminded him.

"I don't do that,"

"Yes you do. You always say how Tsukki is annoying because he likes to hurl insults and thinks he is all that. Then you think Tanaka and Noya are too loud and stupid to be second years. With Hinata you think around the same thing but he is just a first year,"

"Okay so I lost a bet at practice and now I have to go,"

"What bet?"

"Just a game of rock, paper, scissors," Kageyama quietly told me.

"Oh my gosh, so now you want me to come,"

"Yes, but you don't really have a choice your coming,"

"Yeah, I know i'm coming,"

"Good, let's get going now!" Kageyama grabbed my hand and started to drag me out the door. I snatched my shoes and keys before being paused outside the door. Kageyama took the key out of my hand and locked the front door. I finished putting on my shoes and then we started walking

"Where are we going again?" I asked, still not for sure what's going on.

"To Tanaka's house, his parents are away,"

"Oh okay, you don't think they will mind that i'm there?"

"No I think you're fine," After talking for ten more minutes while walking we made it to Tanka's house. Kageyama rung the doorbell.

"Kageyama you made it! Oh look y/n is here too! We have some food and drinks inside come on in," Tanaka invited us in. I started to walk inside when I heard a lot of music coming from the back.

"Um Kags," I tapped his shoulder.

"What?" He snapped back.

"I thought it was only some of the boys, not a whole grade," I pointed over to the backyard swarming with people. Then I looked over to my right and noticed more people in the living room and a few in the kitchen.

"Oh," Kageyama started. Someone knocked into me spilling their alcohol all over my shirt.

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