Kageyama being there// Chapter 12

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"Kageyama!" I exclaimed hugging him tightly back. He then let go and took a few steps back.


"Yeah?" I asked wondering what was wrong.

"Why didn't you answer any of my calls or texts? Ever since your brother was acting weird I didn't know what to do," Kageyama told me, his eyes showing pain.

"I'm so sorry, he took my phone. But it's okay, i'm okay," I reassured Kageyama walking towards him.

"No you aren't, you look ill,"

"Oh, i'm not," I quickly said brushing it off.

"Are you sure, you also look really sad. What happened with Aiko?"

"I just haven't been sleeping well. I'm really okay now. I'm so sorry for all the trouble I cause you. First with that guy then my brother. You don't deserve that," I sniffled. I felt a few tears start coming down my cheeks.

"y/n," Kageyama started.

"No, some other things did happen. My brother called me rude names. It brought back memories from another time which was hard for me. But i'm over it now, I just feel like I let you down," I cried. I couldn't stop the tears now. So much had happen and I ruined it all. I was bringing Kageyama into all of my messes and he doesn't deserve that.

"Y/n! It's not your fault, you don't drag me into anything. I mean yeah sometimes you are stupid but I like that. You don't deserve what your brother said to you and it's going to be okay now. I'm here,"

Kageyama consoled me. He gave me another hug allowing me to cry into his shoulder. He oddly rubbed my back in a circle. I think he was trying to just reassure me but it was so odd of him I couldn't help but laugh. Kageyama broke the hug apart and looked at me very confused.

"I'm sorry, you are just rubbing my back weird and I can't help," I said chuckling a bit more.

"What? Whatever," Kageyama grunted turning around from me.

"Kageyama, you just always make me happy," I responded not even thinking. He tuned back to look at me and I just blushed. I then turned around looking at the wall.

"Baka, please tell your parents about what happened okay? For me?"

"Yeah, okay," I told him still facing the wall.

"Good, I will talk to you soon," Kageyama quickly said running off into the building. I started to head back home and once I made it I told the whole story to my parents. I shed some more tears and they comforted me.

They had a conversation with my brother. They took my side for the story. This was not something I would lie about and if they truly wanted to they could look at cameras showing it was true. My brother got in trouble for the way he yelled at me.

Aiko apologized and I accepted. He had been rude to me ever since the first incident but now I felt he had changed. He gave me a large hug and apologized again and again. I felt he had really grown and I could tell that now he wanted to protect me no matter what.

The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing.
"Hello," I responded oddly.

"Get up loser, I'm almost at your house,"

"What?" I asked looking down at the name. I jumped right out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

"You really don't know who you are talking to?" Kageyama asked me rudely. I started brushing my teeth and hung up the phone. I then brushed my hair and straightened a few extra pieces. I ran back to my room throwing on some ripped jeans and a cute top. I then put on some light makeup and dug my feet into my shoes. I wrote a little letter to my parents and ran out the door.

"It's not nice to hang up on someone who always makes you happy," Kageyama mocked me.

"Shut up," I blushed lightly and went to punch him in the shoulder.

"Why do you look so nice?"


"Nothing, I thought that you could come and watch one of my practice games today,"

"Oh yeah, that sounds good!" I responded. A small part of me thought that maybe we would be going on a date but this wasn't a bad idea.

"Good because you don't have a choice,"

"Oh my," We started to talk on our way to the school. Today was a practice match against Nekoma. They were taking a bus there. "Are you sure it's okay I go on the bus with you?" I asked making sure I wasn't intruding.

"Yes, I promise," We started to walk towards the bus when Hinata caught us.

"Y/n! You are coming too! Wow so cool!" Hinata cheered jumping up and down.

"Only if it is okay,"

"Yeah of course it is," Daichi told me. I walked on the bus with the guys and sat by another first year. She was really kind and told me about the other members on the team I didn't meet yet. On the trip I began to feel the aura again that someone was staring at me.

Finally we were at the school and it was time to go in. I sat up in the crowd while they were playing. There were a few other students from there school up there so I wasn't just an odd one out. I watched in amazement at how well both teams were.

Nekoma had a taller guy with dark spiked hair. He was kind of cute but I had my eye on another guy, there was also a smaller and quieter looking boy but during the first set I was able to notice that he was more important to there team then he lets on.

Nekoma has one the first set and we took the second set. Then it came down to the third. I cheered for our team whenever there was an amazing play. The third set was a very interesting but we were able to pull the win. The boys were getting some drinks and doing high-fives when I left a little early to get some water.

I didn't know the school that well but I was able to find a vending machine and got three milks. One for Yachi, Kageyama, and me. Suddenly then someone tapped my shoulder.

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