Game time// Chapter 22

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"Oh really?" My mother asked suprised.

"Um, yeah sorry," I quickly told her.

"It's okay, I can tell he is a good man for caring so much about you,"

"Well someone has to care about this idiot," Kageyama chuckled.

"Well, y/n you should still find a place to stay," My mother told me returning to the couch.

"Yeah I will," I wasn't ready to let go of Kageyama's hug just yet but I knew I had to. I walked back over to my mom sitting down next to her. I was still so tired, I had such trouble staying awake right now.

"She can stay with me," Kageyama mentioned. I blushed confused on why the sudden invite. I had never been to his house before and my mother was right there. Also what would my father think about it, would he just yell at me more?

"Okay," My mother responded not even putting a thought into it.

"Are you sure?" I asked suprised.

"Yes, as long as it's okay with his parents,"

"Let me call my mom real quick," Kageyama started dialing someone and stepped outside. I gave my mother a kiss on the cheek and a hug. But then came in someone through the door and it wasn't Kageyama.

"Who the hell is outside?"

"Oh my friend,"

"God, you still don't believe me? There is a boy outside!" My father hissed.

"I'm done with this! I won't stand for you to be rude to for some stupid reasons. This is unfair and I try my best, you have always put me on a different level than my brothers. It never matter to you, I can't just sit around and pretend you are a perfect or even good father anymore!" I stormed out the door slamming it behind me. My father started yelling, I couldn't tell if it was at me or my mom. But from yelling at him I felt a little better. Kageyama got off the phone and turned over hugging me.

"You okay baby?" He asked me, still hugging me tightly.

"Yeah, what did your mom say?" I asked into his chest.

"She said it was fine, we just have to pick up some treats for tomorrow,"

"Okay, let's go," We started walking, I wanted to grab his hand but we could have easily saw someone we know and that would be bad.

"Hey why don't we get you some coffee so you will be able to walk the rest of the way," Kageyama asked me.

"That sounds perfect," I ordered a ice coffee and we sat over on a bench. "Thanks Kageyama, for always being here for me. Even when I treat you badly,"

"You don't treat me badly, I just worry about you okay. But i'm not mad, I understand now. When Hinata told me about what happened yesterday I didn't know what to do. I was worried I would say the wrong thing and you would get mad," Kageyama confessed.

"Hinata told you?"

"Yeah, he told the whole team, he felt really bad,"

"Oh that's awkward,"

"It's not, he sure is stupid but the intentions behind it are good. But i'm here now, and i'm going to make sure you are safe,"

"Thank you," Kageyama grabbed my hand and we started walking again. I felt less sleepy, like I was going to pass out. But I was still very tired. We picked up the sweets and made it back to his house. It was late and he said his younger sister was sleeping and most likely his mom was too. We went right up to his bedroom.

It was a normal boys bedroom, very clean though. I laid back on his bed and sighed.

"Let's get some sleep okay?" Kageyama told me crawling under the covers. I got under the covers slowly after him and started to drift off. I felt him pull me to his chest and rest his chin on my shoulder. He started to mumble something, but I couldn't understand I fell right asleep.

I had sleep so well that night inside his arms. It felt safe and like nothing bad could affect me at all. I woke up to his alarm going off.

"Kags," I softly spoke. He woke up and reached over to shut it off. He started moving out of the bed and then left. I feel back asleep not being able to wake up just yet.

"Baby," Kageyama whispered then kissing my forehead. "Get up stupid," I started waking up now and looked at him standing on the side of the bed.


"I have a game today, would you like to come?"

"Oh sure! But I have nothing to wear," I told him.

"It's fine let's get going," He grabbed my arm and we left. I tried to fix my hair on the way over there and then we were at the school. I realized that his house was pretty close to the school. "Wait Kageyama, I have a spare outfit in my gym locker. It's just a old shirt and some leggings but it will do. I'll meet up with you in a couple minutes," I smiled running off to the locker.

I quickly got in there and changed, trying to make myself look as presentable as I could.
I ran back to the Gym where there was a bus waiting there.

"Oh hey y/n's here," Tanka mentioned.

"Hi guys, do you mind if I join you?" I asked all smiley. I was trying to avoid how bad my week had been. It felt like over the time I had been at this school I was pretty close with the team. I mean Yachi, Kiyoko, and Hinata were my best friends. Kageyama was my boyfriend, Tanaka and Noya were like older yet immature brothers who oddly would hit on me some times.

"Not at all," Suga beamed coming over to give me a hug. Kiyoko and Yachi then came over giving me a hug and I felt really confused.

"Y/n come here! Noya and I will be your hot parents!" Tanaka cheered.

"What?" I questioned.

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