Scary movie// Chapter 15

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"I never told you, but the other day when that stuff happened with those guys at Nekoma. I was mad," Kags told me.

"Wait why, I didn't want that to happen," I tried to explain.

"No, no baka. I was mad at myself, not you stupid," Kags reassured me. He flicked my forehead and we continued walking back to my house. When we were at my house we waved our goodbyes and I went inside. I made myself some dinner and got all ready for bed. I was so incredibly happy that I finally had the boy I had liked and maybe even one day be able to say I love. I fell asleep with amazing dreams about the happy times that are to become with Kags.

The next morning I woke up and got all ready to school. My parents told me that this weekend they were going out of town with Jiro (my younger brother) for some competition. Aiko also had some sport competition this weekend so he would be gone. I understood and waved them goodbye on my way to school. I didn't want to tell them about Kageyama just yet because I didn't know if we were going to tell anyone.

I walked to school super excited and quickly found my seat next to Hinata. I thought about sitting next to Kageyama but didn't know what he was thinking.

"Hey y/n! How was your weekend, besides Saturday," Hinata asked.

"Well... It has been pretty eventful and really good!" I remarked, thinking back on when Kageyama told me he liked me.

"That's good, mine was great too! I was so happy we won that practice game so I decided to do extra practice so that we are ready for next time. I practiced my spike even more and now it's like sloosh bam, instead of woo, bam. It's so much better now!" Hinata exclaimed. Before I could respond the teacher started talking and it was time for class. I didn't get to talk to Kageyama at all, I kept wondering if something was wrong since he didn't speak up.

It was now time for lunch, and I had a question about one of the assignments our teacher assigned us so I was going to go ask him. I was walking back from the bathroom to go to the classroom when someone grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"Excuse me?" I questioned while turning to look right at Kageyama.

"Hello bunny,"

"Bunny?" I clarified confused at the sudden nickname.

"Sorry just trying something out, doesn't seem like that one works,"

"Oh okay," I chuckled.

"Anyway let's spend lunch together since I couldn't talk to you earlier,"

"If you insist," We walked together up to the roof.

"Where's your food?"

"I don't have any loser,"

"Why not?"

"I woke up late this morning I didn't have time, I already had a milk though,"

"Here, take mine. You have practice later and you can't play on an empty stomach obviously,"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I had a good breakfast and I'll just get something later,"

"Thanks," He grabbed my bento box and started to dig in. I sat there up on the roof looking at the other buildings and Kags chowing down on my food. I couldn't help myself I had to do something. He looked too adorable to not do something.

I leaned over to him and quickly pecked him on the cheeks. Kageyama stopped shoving his face with food and turned back towards me. I looked back at him my face blushing.

He put down the bento box and gently grabbed my chin and moving the other hand down to my back. He then moved in closer and pushed his lips onto mine. I was startled and started to heat up quickly. Kageyama then started getting into the kiss more and it became more passionate. He moved his other hand down to my waist more and kept kissing me. We broke apart needing a breath from the firey kiss.

"What was that?" I asked touching my lips.

"I could ask the same," Kageyama chimed back. He picked back up the bento box and continued eating again.

Finally the break period was over and we walked back to class. I was so stunned with the kiss I couldn't even think about asking him if we were telling people about our relationship.

During class I had trouble focusing and understanding what we were learning. Eventually I snapped out of it and got a hold on my feelings. I had to put them away right now and finish school.

The rest of the week went fast. Kageyama and I didn't have another kiss or something like it. We acted like friends and ate our lunch with Hinata everyday. I didn't stay for any of there after school classes. I started to get worried Kageyama was bored of me and that's why we didn't have another moment.

Friday night I was all alone, my parents and brother had left. I decided to order some pizza for myself to enjoy the night. I had never really stayed home alone, there was always at least one other person.

Once I got my pizza I decided I would spend the day relaxing. I really needed it, I quickly turned on the TV and jumped on the couch. I flipped to the first movie and it was a horror movie.

When it came to horror movies I never really got that scared. Stuff like that didn't scare me, I could just tell myself it was fake and I was fine, but tonight was different.

After watching for twenty minutes I kept hearing something tapping the window. I just told myself that it was nothing big. Then another ten minutes later, on my now third horror movie there was a growling noise. I started to get really scared now and shut off the tv. There were more noises and I couldn't handle it. I texted the first person I could think of telling them about what was going on.

I tried to ignore these and turn on a different tv show. I started watching someone cooking when I heard the tapping turn into knocking. I ran upstairs to my room and hid under the covers. I knew I looked like a baby but at the moment I didn't care.

All I wanted to do was have someone here with me. I sat under the covers for a few more minutes when I heard someone saying my name at the door.
I already knew I had to open it so I grabbed a broom and slowly walked to the door opening it a little bit. As soon as I saw who it was I couldn't think and swung my broom.

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