9. "Interview with the vampire"

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"Sorry, it happens when I feed." I nodded, speechless. Once he finished, his fangs retracted, and he looked "normal" again. I sighed.

"So, what are we going to do about the murders?" I tried to focus on something other than his feeding process.

"I already reached out to my contact in The Academy, and I scheduled a meeting with them next week. I thought I'd go and inform them on everything that's been going on." I thought it was a good idea, so I nodded.

"We." I corrected him. He looked confused. "You thought We'd go." he put his hand on his mouth and laughed softly.

"You just don't give up, do you?" I smiled.

"Not often." I said as I opened my coke.

"I forgot to tell you the police brought me in for questioning the other day." I almost choked on my drink. I swallowed.


"Yes, it was the night after I came to the bar and ordered one of these." he pointed at the empty shot. I looked at him with a surprised expression. "I knew it was coming, to be honest. There have been two murders in less than two weeks in the hands of vampires, of course they'd question me." he had a point.

"I'm surprised you're not in jail right now." sheriff Woodenford was a known vampire hater, and it surprised me that he didn't put Dennis in jail as soon as he saw him.

"They didn't have any proof, so they let me go. But the sheriff didn't seem to agree with it." I knew it. I took another sip of the coke.

It was funny for me to think about what had happened if they tried to keep him locked up; he could've compelled someone to let him go or broken the cell himself. The image made me smile. Then I noticed Dennis was looking at me in that way he sometimes did, like he was trying to read me. I looked down.

"So, I thought we could do the interview now that we're friends again." I said, without thinking too much about it first. He looked amused all of the sudden.

"Friends?" he asked, with a smile on his face. He was so handsome it distracted me at times.

"Yes." I realised I was hunched over in the chair. I was wearing a dress that made my boobs more noticeable, and they looked even more noticeable in the position I was in, so I sat straight. I saw Dennis take a quick pick at them and then look at my eyes again. I smiled.

"Do you honestly think we could be just friends?" he asked, and I knew the answer.

"I never said just friends, I said friends." he smiled, but it was a different kind of smile. It was an I want you smile. I swallowed nervously.

"I'd love for you to interview me." he said. I nodded in excitement.

"Great. Do you mind if I record you?" I asked. He looked surprised.

"Did you mean right now?"

"Yes, is that a problem?" he shook his head. "Great." I took my cell phone out of my purse, pressed record, and then I put it on the table.

I had been wanting to do this ever since vampires came out four years ago, but I had never been close enough to one of them to do it. Now there I was, sitting in front of a vampire about to get all the answers I wanted. I didn't even know where to begin. I took a deep breath and tried to get my thoughts straight.

"How many vampires are there?" that wasn't a good question, but I was so nervous all the sudden that my journalistic skills where nowhere to be found.

"I don't know. The Academy supposedly keeps record of all of us, but I'm not sure that's completely true." I put my hands together on the table and nodded, trying to look professional.

Immortal Love Book #1. AwakeningDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora