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If I had food in my mouth, I would have choked on what Ivo said. I forced my facial expression to remain neutral and unbothered, but every fiber of my being wants to run away. Hearing his voice again and sitting with just a table between us makes me uncomfortable.

I hate how my eyes noticed the smallest things. I noticed that his hair is a little longer now. The midnight blue suit he was wearing somehow brightened his skin, and when he slightly moved his arm, I can't help but watch how his muscles protruded underneath his sleeve.

Ivo's eyes are just as I remember. His gaze is still sharp, as if lined with icicles around the edge, the calculating coldness as he stared back at me. I noticed my reflection in them, shivering, I stared back at him. 

And the familiar warmth in his gaze every time he looked at me seven years ago, gone. I am nothing but foreign to him.

They still hold me. Suddenly, it all came back to me. I've never entirely forgotten the night when he first glanced my way for the first time. When we danced that night with the stars so bright in the sky. The first kiss we shared inside his car and the softness of his lips.

After all these years, I still feel everything when he's near.

And before I could lose myself in his eyes, I looked away and stared at the glass of water in front of me instead. I'm walking in thin ice right now, and if I kept my gaze on him, I know I would have surrendered and sought comfort in his familiar eyes.

I took the glass and drank the water like my life depended on it. All of them were watching me intently. Tessa looked at me like I have lost my mind while Kaede watched with full of concern with her doe eyes.

And Ivo? He probably wished the water could drown me. I almost dropped the glass when I placed it back on the table because my hand was shaking.

How did I get here?

How did this happen?

I feel restless. I want to leave, but I can't. It was as if an invisible force was holding me back, and I do not have any choice but to sit here and watch this entire cliché movie.

I felt Tessa's hand on my back, and she whispered silently to me that only I could hear, "Calista, are you okay?"

I gave Tessa the brightest smile I could muster, "Yes. I'm totally fine," I turned my eyes to Kaede, "I don't mean to be rude, but why am I here again? Is it because of the autograph? Do I have to sign anything else?" I said apathetically.

Kaede looked taken aback at the tone of my voice, but she smiled anyway. Is she that dense? The moment I saw them here, I lost interest. I don't even care what's this meeting about anymore. I just want to get out of this place.

"No, Ms. Calista," she turned her head to look at Ivo and lovingly beamed at him, "My fiancé and I are here to make a request."

Goddamn it. I don't like how the word fiancé rolled out her tongue effortlessly.

Before I could tell her that I am not taking any requests, Tessa beat me to it. "Of course, we would be glad to make this happen, Ms. Astrella."

Kaede's entire face brightened up. "Awesome!" She turned from Tessa to me and said, "It will be the loveliest gift we will receive."

I forced myself to smile, "What request is this exactly?"

Kaede opened her mouth, but Ivo's voice snatched my attention. "We want you to paint us," he paused. His eyes are dark and intense. "Paint us for our upcoming wedding." I tensed at his words.

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