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"Well, I'm relieved to see that you both made it through." I shot a sharp look at my grandfather. Frankly, I've never been fond of the old man, but for now, I'll endure his presence until I exact my revenge. While some might perceive him as an affectionate grandfather to his granddaughter, the reality is that he's cunning and deceitful. It's through working and living alongside him that I've come to realize this.

His gaze shifted towards me, and he uttered, "Cara mia, please don't give me that look." A sly grin played on his lips as he lightly placed a hand over his chest, feigning woundedness at my scrutinizing stare. "As if I masterminded the entire attack," he added mockingly.

The truth is, nothing manages to surprise me anymore. Yet, I can't help but feel consumed by anger. "There were innocent people at the coffee shop, grandfather!" I exclaimed, my voice tinged with frustration. "What were you thinking? What if someone got hurt or, worse, if someone had lost their life?" 

Grandfather nonchalantly shrugged in response. "To bring down the Morettis, sacrificing a few lives seems like a price worth paying," he remarked indifferently. He proceeded to light his tobacco, taking a few puffs before continuing. "Besides, I had no knowledge that you and Kev would be present," he uttered callously, as if expressing complete apathy towards our well-being.

I narrowed my eyes at him, a mixture of anger and determination in my gaze. "I don't know what your exact plans are, but let me make this clear: seeking revenge against the Morettis is my responsibility. I won't tolerate any underhanded tactics from you just to expedite the process," I asserted firmly. As I gathered my belongings from the chair, ready to storm out, my grandfather's sarcastic laughter echoed through the room.

"Oh, my dear cara mia, I had no idea you had such fire within you," he remarked, studying my face intently before flashing a knowing smile. "Are you saying this because you genuinely want justice for our family, or could it be that you're still harboring feelings for Ivo Moretti?" he quipped, his tone laced with a hint of amusement.

"What?" I uttered, taken aback by my grandfather's audacity. The question seemed absurd, making me question if my grandfather had lost touch with reality.

I was on the verge of retorting, ready to label his words as pure insanity, but my grandfather shook his head, his eyes now filled with a chilling intensity. "I need to remind you of your priorities, Callista," he stated firmly. "Having any lingering feelings for Ivo Moretti will only bring us misfortune." He approached me, stepping closer until he stood right in front of me.

In that moment, I couldn't help but be reminded of his commanding presence despite his advanced age. It was clear that he possessed a formidable power, and the realization struck me that he wouldn't hesitate to eliminate me if he saw me as nothing more than a hindrance to his plans.

His next words sent a chill down my spine. "After all, I cannot afford to have my favorite granddaughter jeopardizing our family's plans," he emphasized, his tone cold and unwavering.

I met his gaze with unwavering determination, refusing to let his imposing stature intimidate me. "Well, it seems we have a mutual concern, grandfather," I replied, my voice steady. "Because I can't have my beloved family tainted by your ruthless actions either."

His piercing gaze lingered on me for a moment, and then he leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead. A small smile formed on his lips as he spoke, "I'm glad we've come to this understanding, Callista. I won't keep you any longer." His attention shifted to Kev, who stood silently in the corner of his office, patiently waiting for our conversation to conclude.

With a nod, I swiftly exited the room. As soon as the door closed behind me, I exhaled deeply, realizing only then that I had been holding my breath. The weight of my grandfather's presence was suffocating, making it difficult to breathe freely.

Suddenly, I felt the comforting warmth of Kev's large hands as they tenderly rubbed the exposed skin of my waist. I turned to face him, meeting his intense gaze filled with desire and longing. In that moment, I couldn't fathom what I would ever do without him by my side.

Having witnessed every aspect of my being, both the virtues and flaws, I knew that I couldn't conceal anything from him. With a tender gesture, I gently cupped his face in my hands, drawing his lips towards mine. The instant our mouths met, a hunger and intensity ignited between us. Our tongues entwined in a passionate dance, both of us vying for dominance. It was clear that he possessed an innate understanding of how to ignite the fire within me.

As our passionate embrace continued, my hands wandered across his chest, exploring his contours and feeling the rapid thumping of his heart beneath my palm. The intensity of our connection only seemed to heighten, amplifying the raw desire that surged between us.

I whispered breathlessly against his lips, my voice filled with a mixture of longing and urgency, "Let's move to the bedroom, Kev."

We swiftly found ourselves in the privacy of the spare guest room. Kev took great care to ensure that my needs were met, both physically and emotionally, throughout the night. The tenderness and passion we shared created a profound connection, leaving me feeling fully cherished and satisfied.

As Kev lay peacefully on top of my chest, slumbering soundly, a wave of guilt washed over me. Despite the satisfaction and contentment, we had just shared, thoughts of Ivo still lingered at the corners of my mind. The conflicting emotions tugged at my heart, creating a sense of unease and remorse.

The following morning, I awoke to find that Kev had already departed. The lingering warmth on the side of the bed where he had laid moments ago indicated that he had left not long before my own awakening.

Eager to start my day, I swiftly delved into my emails, meticulously sorting through the abundance of inquiries and urgent messages awaiting my attention. Amidst the virtual stack, one particular email seized my focus. 

It was a heartfelt message from a dear old friend, Tyrone, extending a gracious invitation to his forthcoming wedding with Aoede. A radiant smile naturally adorned my lips as I read the words, for deep down, I had always harbored the belief that their paths were destined to intertwine. Although our time together had been fleeting, the memories we created held immense significance within my heart.

In the wake of my abrupt departure with Kev seven years ago, I made the conscious choice to forgo the pursuit of my degree. The demands of my quest for revenge left little room for academic endeavors, making it impractical to allocate time and resources toward formal education.

I turned my attention to the door as a gentle knock echoed through the room. "Come in," I called out, and the butler appeared, holding a small tray in his hands. With a nod of gratitude, I accepted the tray, eager to see what lay within. Carefully, I opened the letter that had just been delivered to me. It was a beautifully crafted, formal invitation to Tyrone and Aoede's wedding, complete with intricate details and elegant script.

As I read through the contents of the invitation, a mix of excitement and warmth filled my heart.

Receiving the formal invitation from Tyrone and Aoede's wedding filled me with a sense of honor and gratitude. However, a wave of uncertainty washed over me as I contemplated whether or not I should attend. It had been seven long years since we last saw each other, and during that time, I had made the decision to leave them behind. How could I possibly explain my absence and the choices I had made?

While I couldn't deny the happiness and appreciation that swelled within me, a nagging feeling of unworthiness tugged at my conscience. Did I truly deserve such a heartfelt invitation from them after all I had done? Doubt clouded my thoughts as I pondered the significance of our past friendship and the weight of the years that had passed.

"You should go, Callista," Kev chimed in, his presence providing a sense of reassurance. His smile and slightly perspired appearance hinted at the positive energy he had gained from his jog.

I hesitated, contemplating his words. "I don't know," I responded with a sigh. Doubt clouded my thoughts as I pondered the potential consequences of attending. "Should I? What if they're still upset with me for leaving?"

Kev chuckled warmly, taking a few steps closer to me. He gently tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, his touch soothing. Planting a quick, affectionate kiss on my lips, he reassured me, "I'm sure it will be fine. 

They wouldn't have extended the invitation if they harbored resentment. Besides, it's about time for the members of the Photography club to reunite. It could be a wonderful opportunity for all of you."

His mischievous eyes met mine, an unspoken suggestion hanging in the air. My mind buzzed with thoughts and uncertainties, but Kev's unwavering support gave me a newfound sense of confidence.

"I'll think about it," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of contemplation. Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I continued, "But, Kev, if I decide to attend the wedding, will you be there by my side?"

A warm smile curved on his lips as he gently squeezed my hand, providing the reassurance I sought. "Of course, Callista," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "Wherever you go, I'll be right there with you. Always." 

My Lover is the Son of a Mafia LeaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum