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I stood at the entrance of the elegant venue,
my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. It had been seven long years since I had seen Tyrone and Aoede, and I wondered how they would react to my sudden appearance. I took a deep breath and made my way through the bustling crowd. People swarmed around me, laughing and talking, until I was standing in front of the two figures that were unmistakable to me.

And there she was, Aoede, with her radiant smile illuminating the room. She looked like a goddess, wrapped in ornate fabrics that danced around her while she danced gracefully across the polished marble floor. Her lips shone like crystals from an ice sculpture as she smiled at me.

I immediately felt warmth flood my body as she embraced me in a hug that filled my senses with something indescribable: joy? love? kindness? A blend of all things good. The celebration swirled around us but seemed to shift into slow motion as our eyes locked together in recognition of this reunion after so many years apart.

"Skyla! I can't believe you're here!" Aoede exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy. "We've missed you so much. Where have you been all these years?"

Tyrone joined us then and gave me a welcoming hug too. His emotions were more subdued than his shining counterpart's; no surprise after such a substantial absence from me during these past few years.

"Yeah, we've been searching for you, wondering what happened and why you disappeared," he said, his voice tinged with concern. "You wouldn't believe how surprised we were to see you on the news recently."

I paused for a moment before responding; I knew what their reactions would be when they learned the truth about my disappearance, and it was one that would forever change our relationships in ways that I wasn't prepared for right now.

"I... I had my reasons," I replied finally, my voice filled with a hint of sadness. "Personal reasons that I wasn't ready to share."

Aoede and Tyrone exchanged glances, understanding the weight of my words without needing any additional explanation from me; they both knew about keeping secrets due to their positions as God-Kings of different nations in this world.

"But let's not dwell on the past," Aoede said, trying to lighten the mood. "We're just so happy to have you here with us now." 

Amidst the joyful ambiance of the wedding venue, I found myself in a quieter corner, savoring the sounds of laughter and animated conversations that filled the air. It was a familiar feeling, reminiscent of the camaraderie we once shared in the university photography club. Memories of those adventures flooded my mind as I laughed and exchanged stories with Aoede and Tyrone, reliving the moments that had brought us immense joy.

As our conversation flowed, I noticed a familiar face across the room. It was Ivo, standing confidently beside his fiancée, Kaede. Our eyes locked, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Despite the complicated history between us, Ivo still possessed the ability to stir something within me. 

What is he doing here? I seem to see him in a lot of places these days.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, Aoede turned to me with a beaming smile. "Skyla, I want you to meet someone," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "This is Kaede, a dear friend from university." I extended my hand to greet Kaede, a friendly gesture to acknowledge our newfound acquaintance.

"Nice to meet you, Skyla?" Kaede said warmly, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest and curiosity. But there was a momentary slip-up on Aoede's part. She mistakenly called me by my old name, Skyla.

A name I don't want to be called again. Politely, I corrected her, emphasizing, "Actually, it's Calista."

"Oh, right," Aoede replied, slightly flustered. "Sorry about that, Calista. Skyla was your old name from our university days. I forgot you prefer to be called Calista now."

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