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Kev was quiet during the entire drive until we reached the warehouse.
He didn't ask me why Ivo was at Tyrone and Aoede's party, nor did he inquire about the nature of my conversation with Ivo before I got into the car. We simply drove in silence, our thoughts left unspoken in the air. 

The sky is clear tonight, the stars are visible and the moon hung low in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the warehouse. This is my first time coming here. I have never been in any of the warehouses where the Costa Mafia operates, the very place where Kev overworks himself on some days. 

My grandfather prides himself of what he accomplished the past years since he became the boss of the Costa Mafia. He believes that the current success of the family is solely due to his efforts, dismissing the contributions or previous leaders and members. 

As for me, I perceive Allesandro Costa as a man of vision and talent. He tirelessly dedicates himself to his goals, stopping at nothing until he achieves them. He was cunning and manipulative. He doesn't care who he uses and how he uses them, the consequences doesn't matter to him. Only the results. 

The tension between the mafia families especially between the Moretti and Costa have reached a new level. After the Costa Mafia gained control of the oil city, the frequency of attacks has escalated. Our enemies have begun targeting the warehouses that my grandfather frequents. It's no secret that my grandfather has made countless enemies throughout his lifetime, and now they have set their sights on eliminating him. 

The warehouse stood before Kev and I, a haunting sight of charred remains and twisted metal. The acrid scent of the smoke hung heavy in the air, lingering as a bitter reminder of the destructive inferno that had engulfed the building.

I could already hear the disapproval in Kev's voice as he uttered, "Your grandfather isn't gonna like this."

"You don't have to tell him," I offered.

I know Kev wouldn't take my advice because it's his job to report to my grandfather and he is loyal. I often wondered how long does Kev's loyalty extended. Was it solely for the Costa Mafia or did it encompass himself as well? And if so, for whom could he potentially break it?  

"This isn't the first time one of his warehouses has been attacked," Kev stated, his voice carrying an undertone of grim determination. But before he could finish his sentence, a deafening gunshot echoed through the air. Startled, we swiftly took cover, pressing our bodies against the cold, hard surface of crates and debris. The unpleasant smell of gunpowder mingled with tension. 

"I swear to God, if my Grandfather is behind these attacks again, just like what happened at the coffee shop a few days ago, I'm going to kill him myself," I seethed with anger.

In one swift motion, I reached for the gun holstered on my inner thigh, my fingers gripped the cold metal. Without hesitation, I fired a shot towards the direction where another gunshot had come from. The earsplitting sound echoed through the warehouse followed by a thud as a body hit the ground.

"Nice aim, babe," Kev, said, his gaze filled with hunger as he looked at me. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at his comment. This was hardly the time or place for arousal.  I watched as he skillfully fired three shots to his left, swiftly taking down to men dressed in black pants and shirts who had come into view. Their bodies crumpled to the ground. 

With only two bullets remaining in my possession, I have to make the next shot precise, as there was no room for error. The gunshots from our enemies showed no sign indication of stopping. It was clear that their intention was to shoot until our demise.

Without hesitation, I abandoned my concealed position and boldly stepped into the open space. I heard Kev yelled my name but I paid him no mind. A flicker of movement caught my attention in my peripheral vision, and I instinctively aimed my weapon and discharged a shot at the enemy.

Just one bullet remained in my possession. As I surveyed the area, my senses heightened, anticipating another gunshot. However, an eerie silence settled over the warehouse, shrouding it in an unsettling stillness.  

As I strained my ears, trying to pierce through the silence, I heard faint footsteps echoing in the distance. My body turned to where the sounds are coming from then I caught a glimpse of a figure emerging from the shadows. It was someone I never expected to see. 

Her long, curly hair cascaded down her back in wild waves, contrasting against the stark black of her tight-fitting dress. Each curl seemed to have a life of its own, adding to the untamed allure that surrounded her.

Gone was the innocent smile and look she gave me the first time I met her, Kaede slowly raised her hand, I caught the glimmer of metal, and my eyes locked onto the menacing sight of a gun gripped firmly in her grasp. 

A sinister smile curved upon her lips. The innocent facade she had worn the first time I met her and at the party were all gone now, replaced by an aura of calculated malice. Her eyes, once filled with warmth, now gleamed with cold, piercing gaze.

"This isn't exactly a pleasant reunion, is it? Calista or Skyla, which persona shall I address you by?" 

"The night is full of surprises. I never would have expected to find you here," I uttered, my voice laced curiosity. Just hours ago, I saw her in the arms of Ivo at Aoede and Tyrone's wedding party. She was the least likely person I would have suspected to be the mastermind behind all of this chaos.

A wicked smile played on her lips as she pointed the gun in my direction, her eyes glinting with a chilling determination. "I'm quite skilled at surprises," she hissed, her voice dripping with malevolence. "And this will be my greatest one yet.

Time seemed to slow down as my heart raced in my chest. In that fleeting moment, the world around me faded into the background, consumed by the impending danger. Then, with a thunderous crack, the gunshot shattered the stillness of the night, echoing through the warehouse. 

"Kev!" I shouted, my voice filled with urgency and desperation. The deafening sound of the gunshot still reverberated in my ears, overpowering any other noise in the warehouse. My eyes darted around, searching for any sign of my loyal companion amidst the chaos.

The air was thick with tension as the smoke from the gunshot lingered, obscuring my vision. Panic surged through my veins, fueling my determination to find Kev and ensure his safety. Every second felt like an eternity as I frantically scanned the area, my heart pounding in my chest.

Then, through the haze, I caught a glimpse of movement. Relief flooded over me as I spotted Kev, struggling to rise from the ground. Without hesitation, I sprinted towards him, pushing aside any obstacles in my path.

"Are you okay?" I gasped, my voice filled with concern as I reached his side. His face was etched with pain, but his eyes met mine with a fierce determination. He nodded, his grip tightening around his gun.

"We need to get out of here," Kev rasped, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and determination.

Another explosion erupted around us, jolting my senses into overdrive. The force of the impact sent me sprawling backward, crashing against the cold, unforgiving ground. The world spun around me, and as my vision blurred, I caught a glimpse of Kaede's twisted smile.Everything faded into darkness.

My Lover is the Son of a Mafia LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now