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Pain seared through me as I slowly regained consciousness.
My vision was hazy, and I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. The acrid smell of smoke still lingered in the air, serving as a grim reminder of the violence that just unfolded.

As I focused, memories of the shootout at the warehouse flooded back into my mind. The deafening gunshots, the chaos, and the sinister presence of Kaede, all etched vividly in my memory. Fear gnawed at me, not only for my safety but also for Kev's.

I still don't know how Kaede is connected to what has been happening the past days. What is her motive?

I mustered all my strength to push myself up, taking in the devastation around me.

"Kev," I called out weakly, my voice barely audible. The echoes of my own voice bounced off the walls, blending the eerie silence that now enveloped the once-thriving warehouse.

For a moment, there was no response, and my heart sank. Panic surged through my veins, and I gathered every ounce of energy to crawl towards Kev, who lay on the ground, partially obscured by the wreckage. I needed to make sure he was okay.

He looked up at me, his expression pained but determined. "I'll be fine," he replied, gritting his teeth. "We need to get out of here before they come back."

I scanned our surroundings, I can't find Kaede anymore. I'm sure tonight won't be the last time I'm going to see her. I nodded at Kev, my mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival. I couldn't shake the sense of confusion that Kaede's presence had brought.

If this entire ordeal didn't happen, I would still think she's the innocent and sweet looking girl Ivo is going to marry. She was a surprise to me. How could someone like her be such a formidable enemy?

As we made our way through the ruins of the warehouse, memories of my past interactions played in my mind. There were hints of darkness hidden beneath the surface of the woman with the sweetest face I knew. But now, faced with the undeniable truth of her malevolence, I realized that I had been blind to the warning signs.

We finally reached a safer location, away from the immediate danger. Kev's voice brought me back to the present. "Calista, are you okay?"

"Yes, I am. My head hurts but..."

Just then, a figure emerged from the shadows. I froze in my tracks. It was Ivo.

"Ivo," I said, my voice cold and tinged with anger. "What are you doing here?"

He stepped forward, his expression determined. "I came to check if you're okay," he said. His eyes roamed around my body making sure I am still whole and intact. "I heard about the attack, and I couldn't stand by and do nothing."

I scoffed, bitterness and confusion swirling within me. "Help me? After everything that's happened, why would you want to help?"

His gaze softened, and he reached out to my arm gently. "Calista, I know we haven't been on good terms, but I still care about you. I can't bear to see you in danger."

My emotions were a tangled mess, and I couldn't make sense of his actions. "Ivo, your crazy fiancé, Kaede almost killed me and Kev," I snapped, my voice shaking with anger and hurt.

At the mention of Kaede's name, his expression became serious. He looked not surprised of what he had just heard. "I don't need your help or anyone else's. I can handle this on my own."

He looked hurt, but there was fire in his eyes. "Calista --"

"Back off, Moretti." Kev's voice dripped with authority as he positioned himself protectively in front of me, his eyes locked in a fierce stare with Ivo. The room felt suffocating as their intense gazes locked in a fierce battle of dominance.

Ivo's lips curled into a dangerous smile, his eyes dancing with a mix of arrogance and desire. "I lost you once, Calista. I'm not going to lose you the second time around."

I tried to steady my breathing, my hands trembling at the memories his words stirred.

Kev's jaw clenched, his stormy eyes never leaving Ivo's. He pulled me closer, his touch protective and possessive. "And I'll do whatever it takes to protect her from you, Moretti."

Ivo's smile faded, replaced by a glint of determination. "You think you can protect her from me, Conti?" he challenged, the tension in the room escalating with every passing second.

"Enough," I said, my voice cutting through the charged atmosphere, putting a halt to the confrontation between Ivo and Kev.

I turned to face Ivo, my expression resolute. "Ivo, I don't need you here."

Ivo's eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and hurt, his bravado momentarily faltering. "Calista, you can't just push me away like this," he protested, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

Kev's grip on my hand tightened, a silent show of support, and I felt a surge of gratitude for the man who stood beside me.

"I'm not pushing you away, Ivo." I said firmly. "But we can't keep meeting like this. I can't trust you."

I didn't wait for his reply. I simply walked away from him again like I did too many years ago. 

After our harrowing escape from the warehouse, Kev wasted no time in ensuring his safety and getting his injuries tended to. He rushed straight to the clinic, where the resident doctors and nurses working for the Mafia skillfully examined his wounds and provided the necessary medical attention.

I stood by his side the entire time. Kev took a lot of the damage when the explosion hit because he was protecting me.

As he winced while they cleaned and bandaged his injuries. My thoughts were divided between him and my grandfather's suspicious behavior. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to the attacks on the family's warehouses and Kaede's presence.

With Kev's injuries tended to, we returned to our bedroom. I watched Kev wince in pain, I couldn't help but feel the surge of protectiveness over him. Kev protecting me. Always protecting me.

Once Kev settled in for some rest, I excused myself, preoccupied with the puzzle I needed to solve. I found myself drawn to my grandfather's study once again, the door ajar, the temptation to eavesdrop overwhelming.

Hesitating for a moment, I pushed the door open slightly, careful not to make a sound. Allesandro, my grandfather was on the phone again, his voice low and conspiratorial.

"I need you to keep a close eye on her," my grandfather said, his tone urgent. "Kaede may be useful for now, but she's becoming a liability. Make sure she doesn't stray from the plan."

I pulled away from the door, my mind racing with questions and the weight of what I had just discovered. I can't confront my grandfather directly, not without more concrete evidence.

As I made my way back to the bedroom, I couldn't shake the feeling that my grandfather may be involved in something far more sinister that I had ever imagined. If my suspicions are right, the danger was far from over and a war between the Mafia families might be closer than I think. 

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