Henry x Charles part 2

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    It was Saturday, 2:00pm, one hour before he had to meet Charles again.
    Henry watches tv to kill some time since he was ready and planned to leave in 30 minutes. He then heard a familiar sound. The sound of a fast approaching-
       Charles comes crashing in. Henry waves,"Well, you're early."
           Ellie is going to flip once she sees that he crashed into the wall for the 100th time.
            Charles gets out,"Yeah, I know. Buuuut I wanted to see you sooner!"
          Henry smiled as Charles grabbed his arm and attempted to drag Henry to the helicopter.
           "Charles, its too early-"
              "Oh come on, its rare for someone's boyfriend to pick someone up by heli and I'm bored waiting."
            Henry blushed, got up, and let Charles drag him over.
              "Try not to flood the cafè with sugar this time."
             "Ok, no promises!"
         Charles lands near the place and they get out and walked over. Henry held open the door, "Ladies first." He joked.
      Charles stood to the side,"Oh no, you first sir."
      "No, I insist."
       "I double insist."
      "No my good sir, I triple insist." Henry replied with a laugh. Then Charles got an idea and linked arms with Henry,"Let's both go in."
          They sat at their usual table and ordered the usual. Henry looks back at Charles to see him bouncing in his seat with a grin.
      "You ok?"
   "Yeah! I'm just really excited that I was the one to take you on a date, I mean I thought you would ask but then I was like, I want to be the cool guy and totally did it WOOOOOOO!"
            Henry wanted to pet Charles so badly. He could be fRiCken adorable at times, even in dangerous situations.
    "To be honest, I never thought that you saw me as more than a friend bro."
     Charles sighed," Henry your so oblivious you know?"
    They got their drinks and Henry made sure not to ask him for sugar this time. They talked for a while and drank while Ellie totally not watched from another table.
         Once they finished and walked out they awkwardly stood in silence.
     "Soo, what do normal couples after the café date?" Charles asked while pulling out a book.
     Henry shrugged and stole a glance at what he was looking at. How to date a cool kleptomanic?
     Charles looks up and quickly hides the book,"What?"
       "We don't need that book to tell us what to do, come on, lets stea- do something fun." Henry said while taking Charles's hand and leading him to nowhere in particular.
       They walked through the snow covered city. They pass by a store and something caught Charles's eye. Henry stopped and looked back to see that he was staring at a model of a helicopter, more specifically, THE helicopter. 
          "Do you want that?"
             "YEAH!" Then Charles sees the price," aw man, but its 200 dollars."
       Henry then smirked.
           "Henry, don't you dare-"
   But Henry had already entered the store. Charles smiled and leaned against the nearby tree.
         A second later, Henry comes back over the roof with a bag.
        "Henry, you could have got caught."
       "Me? The one and only Henry Stickmin being caught stealing a helicoptor?" He laughed and lead Charles away before the storeowner noticed anything.
      Henry handed Charles the bag once they were at least a few blocks away.
     Charles took it and hugged Henry,"Thanks."
        Henry pats Charles's back and closed his eyes,"Anytime Charles."
       He lets go of Henry and they both decided to head back to his place to watch movies or something.
        Charles took out the toy and froze.
    He shook his head and looked confused,"What."
    Henry poked Charles," You froze for a second."
     "I did? Huh, I thought I saw the inside of an airship. There was someone else sitting across from me who looked nervous. Meh, I'm sure its nothing."
      Henry agreed and they both arrive at his house and walk in.
      He did admit, that thing felt off. The minute he grabbed it off the shelf he saw himself getting thrown off of a helicoptor during what looked like a mission.
    But those thoughts were forgotten as the day went on.

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