覚えていますか - do you remember

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"I'm telling you guys, it doesn't take much of me to whip up a couple gizmos for this whole performance of yours." I said loudly, leaning forward in the crisscross position I was in on the floor, typing the last couple of numbers into my coding.

"Yeah, but having the genius Harbinger making proper tech for our concert? Kinda feels like cheating." Mina Ashido pointed out, her sing songy tone never faltering. "Midoriya! You're movements are too technical, you need to feel the music!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The green haired boy bowed in the background as he continued to repeat the same choreographed steps over and over with more and more enthusiasm.

"Mina is right, it wouldn't be fair to the other classes if we let you make anymore for us." Momo Yaoyorozo sighed, adjusting her long black hair in the high ponytail it was gathered in, "I already feel guilty about having you configure the lights for us."

The school festival was approaching faster than I had remembered and the kids of 1-A were determined to put on the best concert UA had ever seen as an apology for making everyone worry about them, even though I believed that is completely unnecessary.

"Setting up some basic lighting routines and strobes is something anyone could do." I mumbled under my breath, "And it is done. Everything is set how you wanted it, Yaoyorozo."

"Thank you. We appreciate it a lot." She bowed her head, but gently jumped as the clash of symbols exploded in the auditorium.

"What do you mean follow your lead, Wannabe Air Pods?!"

"Bakugou, you can't just go off on your own or our rhythm won't match."

"Maybe I don't wanna match your shitty rhythm anyway!"

I smirked at the the bickering between the Angry Pomeranian and AirPod Girl, watching as Momo rushed over to settle their feud as the level headed mediator she was.

As a much of a pain as he was, I'll never forget what he did for me the day of my presentation.

I'll never forget what any of them did.

These kids don't know it, but all of them are already heroes to me.

"Hey." His voice was soft and gentle compared to the rest of his class. I glanced to my right where Shoto Todoroki leaned down to sit beside me. "How have you been?"

"Huh?" I hummed, turning to face him. "What kinda question is the Icy-Hot?" I teased, a smile playing on my lips as Shoto chuckled quietly.

"I don't know just thought I'd ask since I haven't been able to catch up with you in awhile." He said shaking his head, he let out a small exhale, "You stood up from your wheelchair in front of hundreds of people, blowing millions away as they watched from all over the world." He said, pressing his palms into the floor behind him as he looked up at the ceiling, "Then you finally meet your other two half siblings which I'm sure wasn't easy, and managed to deal with seeing our father again."


"Seeing him is always an unfortunate event."

"Isn't it?"

"Speaking of which, has he seemed off to you as of lately?" Shoto asked, tilting his head to the side, allowing his dual colored hair to softly follow his movements. "Not as...angry?" I rose an eyebrow at his question, thinking back to my more recent encounters with the number one flame hero.

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