回復 - recovery

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It should be dully noted that there are things people are good at and things people can not be good at no matter how hard they tried.

For example; Shota Aizawa was an amazing cook, caring teacher, and a pillar contributing to the justice giving hero society. But he was probably the most over protective and worrywart caretaker that ever walked this earth.

"Shota, I'm fine, really." I sighed, leaning my head back against his couch, staring up at his ceiling.

"You always say you're fine." He mumbled holding, yet another, overly fluffed pillow in his hands.

"That's because I am fine, Shota." I laughed softly, looking at the Erasure Hero, who stood over me with a very disgruntled and unsatisfied look.

"You are insufferable." He scoffed, tossing the pillow at the end of the sofa before plopping down beside me. I snorted at his comment while he gently rested his head on my lap, laying down and staring up at me with tired eyes. His eyes were always tired. I smiled, daintily brushing my fingers through his black ragged hair. It had been a week since the accident and Shota had been doting on me hand and foot, every waking hour. In between his teaching periods at UA, he would zip over to his apartment to take care of me. I can't imagine how exhausting it is. "Are you sure you'll be okay for a couple hours?"

"Yes, Shota." I smiled, "I'll be okay while you finish your classes, speaking of which isn't your lunch almost over?" I asked, to which he waved his hand in front of his face.

"Mic teaches English after so I have some time." He answered, reaching up and pinching my nose. "Besides, I'm not leaving until you eat the lunch I made for you." He demanded, making me lurch back with a scowl. "You're not eating." He said bluntly. I frowned at his words. I haven't been eating, this is true, but it's not because I don't want to. It's simply because I can't find it in me to eat. I lose track of time a lot, something that's been happening ever since the incident. I catch myself staring at plates of food for seconds, minutes, hours at a time. Time just seems to pass by much quicker now and I can't help but feel like I'm losing myself.

"I'm just not hungry." I lied, dipping down and pressing my lips against his forehead. Shota grumbled, pinching my nose harder causing me to squeak.

"Don't lie to me, (y/n)." I swatted his hand away, narrowing my eyes over his own angry glare. The dark circles under his eyes bored back at me and I blew some air out with an eye roll.

"Fine, fine." I gave in, picking up my plate that had been abandoned beside me. I numbly took a bite of half the sandwich Shota had made me, chewing slowly as he watched me intently.

"It's your favorite, isn't it?" He asked concern washing over his face. He looked so worried all the time, his dark eyebrows scrunched together half the day because of me and the other half because of his class. I wonder where he finds the energy to split himself between the two of us. He must really love both. I grinned, flicking his forehead.

"Yes." I answered, swallowing my bite, "I appreciate it."

"Pffft. You should." He grumbled, turning on his side so his nose pressed against my stomach. "Blueberry Jam is an extremely hard find apparently." I let out a small snicker at his displeasure, my free hand patting his jaw.

"My hero." I joked, my fingers running over his black stubble. He smirked devilishly, pushing himself up just enough so he could reach my face. His hand slipping around my cheek and pulling me into a soft and gentle kiss. My eyes widened but I soon felt myself smiling against his lips as he deepened our lip lock. Shota Aizawa. How you surprise me more and more everyday. I blindly set the food back down on my plate as my hands found their way to his chest. I spread my palms against his black t-shirt, my fingers gently scrunching up the fabric into a closed fist as he lovingly ran a thumb against my cheek before pulling away and staring at me.

"Are you going to be-."

"I'll be fine, Shota." I stopped him, pecking his lips once more as his mouth twisted into an uneven frown. I've never had someone worry this much about me. It was almost kind of nice.

"I can take you to a friends or-."

"I'd rather be here, waiting for you." I smiled warmly, my hand tucking his black hair behind his ear. In the past, whenever I was sick I dealt with it on my own. I bought medicine, I managed my own temperatures, and took myself to the doctor. But now, I had someone as breathtaking as Shota. He always made sure I had everything I needed, consistently reminded me of what dosage from what pill to take, he showered me with care. And he did it so casually. Like this was normal for him. All the while, I watched him in awe behind flustered shades of red and newly foggy eyes. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?"

"I wouldn't mind hearing it again."

"You are amazing, Shota Aizawa."

"And you make me that way, (y/n)."

"I have that effect on a lot of people." I teased. Shota rose his eyebrows, pulling my lips back against his, as his hand snaked up my shirt, his touch running against the naval of my stomach. I hummed against his mouth as his tongue slipped inside my own. I felt a heat rise through my body, one that I hadn't felt in a long while, one that reminded me of simpler times with, the ever-mysterious, Shota Aizawa. His fingers cautiously inched downward, hooking into the waistband of my sweats. My breath hitched in my airway as his free giant hand wrapped around my throat gently, holding me steady. His lips parted from mine, a single strand of saliva linking us as he let out an easy breath. I moved my hips achingly, trying to drown out the sensation that was overwhelming me.

"Would you like me to demonstrate the kind of effect you have on me, (y/n)?" He asked in that slow and monotone voice of his, making my cheeks flush pink. The feeling he gave me could best be compared to being hit by a bullet train on fire. My body felt more crippled than before, even though I completely forgot about being actually crippled in the moment. I felt so defenseless underneath his grasp, just by a few simple words. If I could feel my legs, I'm pretty sure they would trembling just from the way he sounded.

I guess this is what it means to be horny.

His hand tucked inside my panties while his long cold fingers dipped into my own heat, justifying me to let out the smallest and most unsatisfying whimper. Shota smirked, retracting his touch and releasing his hold on my throat as he stood to leave. I felt like I had been sitting out in the sun for years and Shota was tempting me with droplets of water instead of giving me the whole shebang. My eyebrows scrunched together out of annoyance. And that kind of pissed me off. I didn't like being teased. I liked to be the one doing the teasing. My heart felt a tiny bit lighter though, amidst my hormones running wild and my desire to make Shota moan my name, things felt a bit more normal for once. Things felt the same. And I missed that.

"I'll be back after last period, if you need anything just call me."

"I will."


"Pinky, Shota." I nodded, as he leaned down, pressing a light kiss on the top of my head. He sighed, grabbing his capture weapon and wrapping it around his neck as he looked at me over his shoulder.

"I'd move heaven and earth to get to you, (y/n)." I felt a tremor rupture through my chest as my heart voluntarily skipped a fucking beat. I blinked at his words, our eyes meeting momentarily before he spoke again,

"I will never let anything bad happen to you ever again."

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