不眠症 - insomnia

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The covers felt cold against my heated skin, the sweat making the fabric stick to me as I panted lightly.

"Distracting enough?" I asked, raising up a shaky hand to wipe my forehead. The man I had come to know as 'Shota', grumbled in satisfaction beside as he tied up his hair once again. My cheeks settled into a bright red, staring at him more clearly now that his long black locks has been moved to frame his face rather than hide it. I let out a small sigh, still hugging his bed sheets close to my bare chest. I really went and did it this time. Good job, (y/n). I slept with him, again. Don't sleep with the same guy twice, don't get attached. I mean, I'm not attached per say. I can't really blame myself in all honesty, I mean look at him. I watched as the man stirred beside me, sitting up and slipping on a pair of boxers, whilst rubbing his eyes. His pale back was facing me and I had the strangest desire to reach out and touch him. Not romantically, not compassionately. I just wanted to run my fingers against his skin. I extended a hand forward, my eyes trained of the few stray strands of hair that had fallen out of his tie.

"Coffee?" He mumbled, making me retract my touch and almost jump out of bed out of fear. He was offering me coffee? I rose and eyebrow at his proposition of a warm, sugary drink. The two of us. Between steamed beans. I knew it was probably best to not accept his offer, but something inside me was dying to know more about, he who calls himself, 'Shota'.

"At 3am? Bit of a night owl, are we?" I scoffed coolly, throwing my legs off the side of the bed and pulling my arms into a stretch. Shota watched me out of the corner of his eyes, the way my skin glistened underneath his dump nightstand lamp. A certain hunger flickering across his face again, making my legs tremble slightly. He tore his gaze away from me and my naked body.

"I was being polite." He sighed, walking casually to the kitchen. My mouth twisted into a frown, glancing around the room for my clothes before deciding he wouldn't mind if I wore the black t-shirt he had on previously. I slipped it over my head, the end of the fabric hanging down to my mid thigh, as I made my way to find where 'Shota' had run off too. He was standing with his back pressed against a tile kitchen counter, the coffee pot already in the machine and buzzing with life. His eyes widened slightly more than usual for a moment when he saw me, before returning to his normal half open self. I ruffled a hand through my (h/c) hair, yawning as I pulled myself  into a bar seat across from him, paying no attention to his action. We sat in silence for a bit, our only sound being the soft boiling of our caffeinated drinks.

"So why are we drinking coffee at 3am, Shota?" I asked, propping my elbow up for support as I rested my head in my hands.

"I have to go back to work." He answered, rubbing his tired eyes. I tilted my head. Back to work at this hour?

"How lame. The life of a pro hero is really no fun at all." I teased childishly, putting my hands up. Shota scoffed quietly, almost sounding like a laugh, pulling a mug out from a cabinet above him. No correction. So I guess he is a pro hero. I looked around the room, fiddling my fingers. No pictures on the walls, no toys on the floor, he was definitely a minimalist. I puckered my lips, spinning around in my seat. "Live alone?" I asked, my back turned to him. I didn't have to be looking at him to know his eyes were burning into my skin. I hopped off the bar stool, walking around his small living room, before a sound startled me. A clang against the counter. I spun around to see Shota glaring at me with a mug in his hand.

"Sugar?" He asked, ignoring my questions.

"Three." I answered, making my way to him. He made a kind of 'humph' sound, almost like he was disgusted by my choice. I scrunched my nose up at this, taking the cup from his hand as he dropped three white cubes in the black liquid. I opened my mouth to speak but he quickly interrupted me.

"If you're going to keep asking questions, the least you can do is give me your name." The man said tiredly. I blinked a couple times, contemplating the idea.

"But what wouldn't that ruin the fun, Shotaaaa~?" I hummed, grabbing the mug and twirling around so I leaned into his chest. He let out a deep sigh, not reacting to my touch and looking up to the ceiling as he drank his own coffee. I pouted at his lack of attention, moving off his body and standing in front of him. "(F/n)." I finally gave in with a mumble, withholding my last name. Shota perked up at the sound of my name, standing up from his leaning position. He nodded, taking another sip as I brought the rim of his white mug to my lips. There was an awkward silence before he place his coffee down and cleared his throat.

"Considering how this..." He trailed off, "...partnership benefits us both equally. I'd like it if we could continue this, instead of by chance, but by scheduling." I smirked at this wording.

"Shota, you could've just asked for my number." I chuckled, downing the last of my coffee. Shota blinked at my response, not affected by the embarrassment that would likely plagued my own face if I had been in his position.

"Well?" He inquired once more, making my cheeks heat up. I had already broken my own golden rule, not to sleep with the same man twice. My summer vacation plan is falling flat fast, but I do enjoy myself with Shota. And just because I'm meeting with him, doesn't mean I can't see others right? We aren't exclusive or anything like that. I would be his booty call, and he would be mine. Nothing more and nothing less. Right? I smiled at him, extending a hand outwards.

"Your phone." I ordered, making him nod and turn to a dark corner somewhere before handing me the piece of tech. I silently typed my contact information in, handing it back to him once I finished. "Well. I should really get going now." I sighed, dusting off his shirt I had on and heading back to his bedroom to change into my actual clothes. He didn't stop me or ask me to stay, just hummed quietly. I tossed his shirt onto the bed, pulling back on my jacket and my dress, I had a long walk back the bus stop that I was not looking forward to. But I wasn't about to ask him for a ride. That's like a big no-no for hookups. What if he's a stalker? I shook my head, making my way to exit his apartment.

"We'll be in touch." Shota mumbled, opening his front door for me. I gave him a polite smile, leaving into the brisk, night air.

I felt a tightness in my chest as I walked to the bus stop. The busses aren't even running at this time of night, but I had planned to call a cab like I normally did. A frown twisted my lips downwards as let out a deep sigh. Shota is really mature. He's able to detach his feelings so easily for sex. He almost does it better than I do. Of course, I've had practice in cutting myself off from my own feelings. I swayed my (h/c) hair side to side as I thought about my own past. I wonder if he's had experience doing that too? I wonder if I interest him as much as he interests me? Probably not. To him I'm just some dumb teenage girl he can use as much as he likes. And I'm fine with that. I don't want more, really I don't. But I can't help the questions that form in the back of my mind. If he's a pro hero, how come I've never seen him before? Why is his apartment the least bit homey? Why is there a certain sadness lurking deep in his eyes? Is he the same as me? Is he broken? I sat down on the cold concrete bench, my warm thighs against the freezing stone making me jump.

Why does he need a distraction?

Erase HerゾごホOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora