寝ますか - do you sleep?

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Make me feel beautiful.

I twisted and turned, my body moving to the sound the music pumping in the air.

Make me feel worthy.

His hands dug into the skin of my hips.

Make me forget.

I laughed, stumbling over to the table with the man attached to my waist. I pulled the drink to my lips, shakily downing the rest of my shot.

"Do you want another?"


"Yeah!" The floor was already moving. The man left my table and I lazily scanned the rest of the room. Why did Shouta have to go and say that? He's the reason I'm here, borderline wasted at Sakura with some cheapskate in a business suit that smells like cigarettes. Shouta sometimes smelled like cigarettes. Why did it smell so different on him? I frowned, pouting childishly as I wobbled in my big girl heels. Why did Shouta have to go and say that? Now my sunny days in the park are spent inside with lots of ice cream, and all of my groceries are junk food. I swallowed back the tears. Why did he go and say that? Was it me? Did he know I was too attached in the end? Why does my head hurt so badly? God damn it, Shouta. This is all your fault.

"(Y/n)." That stupid monotone voice sounded behind me. I spun around, almost falling over in the process. He stared at me, an eyebrow raised along with a worried expression on his lips. "What are-. Are you drunk?" I laughed at his question. Why did I laugh? It wasn't funny.

"Shoutaaaa. What are you doing here?" I whined, stomping my foot as I looked at him. He looked different. He didn't have his hero attire on, he was in regular street clothes. A black sweater with the sleeves rolled up, some jeans, and his hair half pulled into a messy bun, half down. Why did he look so fucking good?

"I came looking for you. You haven't answered any of my texts." He huffed, looking around Sakura uneasily.

"Why are you looking for me?" I asked, pointing to my own face as Shouta's lips pressed into that same thin tight line I had seen him do last before he... I shook my head. "Didn't you tell me to get lost?"

"(Y/n), I'm one hundred percent sure I did not use those words." He sighed, his hand wrapping around my wrist. "We are leaving." My eyes flit over to his grasp and I frowned, yanking myself away.

"No." I said. How many times have we left here together? How many times did I end up curled in his bed, staring at the back of his head for what felt like hours. How many times did I bury the burning sensation in my throat over and over again to maintain appearances for him. To maintain the glass casing idea that I would never get attached to someone as interesting and spectacular as Shouta. I don't even know his last name. Is that a joke? Falling in love with someone without even knowing their last name. It's probably a bad joke somewhere.

"(Y/n)." Shouta said, his tone changing as I felt the man from earlier place a hand on my shoulder.

"She doesn't want to go."

"(Y/n)." Shouta's eyes narrowed at the man behind me as I wondered what Shouta's favorite color was. Should I ask him? I bet it's black. He seems that kind of type.

"(Y/n)? Isn't that pretty."

"(Y/n), let's go." Shouta said sternly, grabbing my wrist once again. Ow. I don't like that. Or maybe I do? I did enjoy being tied up by him. Maybe we could do that again and forget what happened two days ago? "(Y/n)." Shouta snapped me from my drunken daze.

"Huh?" I blinked as Shouta tugged me out of the mans grasp and closer to the Sakura exit. "Shouta..." I said softly, feeling tears prick my eyes. He pulled me through the crowd of people, till we finally broke into the cold night air. Once we did, Shouta turned to face me.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked, his voice raising slightly. I swallowed. What am I doing? It's cold out here. I want to go back inside. "You could've been hurt or worse, (y/n)." Shouta sighed, making my eyes shoot up to his with a fierceness I didn't have before.

"Like you'd care!" I shouted, taking him by surprise. "I'm just a fucking distraction for you from your long days of teaching. Boo-fucking-hoo." I scoffed, tearing from his hand. "I'm just the girl you can call at night when you're lonely but without you that's all I am! Isn't that sad? Poor little (y/n) and her childish fucking feelings." My ankle slipped in my heels, frustrated I kicked them off into the street. "Fucking shoes, who designed those things anyway..."

"(Y/n)." Shouta said dully. I looked over at him with a glare. He opened his mouth to speak, deciding against it and taking in a deep breath. "Will you come home with me?" He finally said and I scrunched up my nose.

"Fuuuuuckkkkk you." I hissed, spinning around with my two middle fingers, front and center. Shouta sighed, grabbing my arm and pulling me into his chest. "Whoa there cowboy, I think I said-. Hey now! Wait just a second!" I spat, as he hoisted me into his arms, flinging me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Yeah, I think that's an accurate description of me. I kicked, squirmed, and shouted many vulgar insults as he walked down the street, to his apartment no less. Halfway through, my strength had given out and I pressed my face against his back. He smelled like cigarettes. I inhaled deeply, hearing Shouta chuckle softly.

"You problem child."

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