家族親睦会 - family reunion

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"Hi Shoto."

"What're you doing here?"

"I'm here to-." The words failed to escape my lips, slipping from me like the confidence I thought I had. My hands grasping the edges of the iconic jean jacket I was wearing, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip. "Well, what we talked about awhile back. D-dinner or-r-." I stammered, my face flushing a bright red.

"(Y/n)?!" A higher pitched voice called from behind Shoto Todoroki, my half brother. My eyes widened as I watched a girl with glasses and stone colored eyes peek over Shoto with a bright grin. "We've been dying to meet you!" She beamed, placing her hands atop Shoto's head and resting her chin on the back of her palms.

"Fuyumi, you're going to scare her away." Shoto mumbled, the pupils of his eyes rolling upwards to barely catch a glimpse of the girl, who was obviously on her tip toes.

"What?!" Fuyumi exclaimed with a nervous smile, stepping back onto her heels and circling around so she was standing next to the dual haired boy. "It's just Natsuo and I have been really eager to meet her.." Fuyumi chuckled, running a hand through her white hair littered with small streaks of red.

"(Y/n) is here?!" A louder, distant voice shouted from somewhere inside the big house.

"I apologize in advance." Shoto sighed as Fuyumi scoffed, playfully hitting her brothers shoulder.

"It's okay, really. I just-." I began, being cut off by Fuyumi almost immediately.

"Great! See Shoto, she isn't scared of us." The girl said, sticking her tongue out and reaching out to let her hand wrap around my wrist and drag me inside. "You can imagine my excitement when I heard I had a long lost sister somewhere." I laughed at her words anxiously, glancing behind me to see a hooded figure watching from across the street.

"I'm just as happy to meet you, as you are to meet me." I said softly, my eyes not leaving the figure as he gave me a slight wave. My lips finding themselves in a worried frown as he gently pulled down the fabric of the mask that was covering his mouth, exposing the burn marks decorating his skin and flashing me a wicked smile, before shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket and taking off down the sidewalk.

"You got this Smokes."

Today was the day I meet two half siblings that never knew I was even born.

Of course, this was my ticket to get to my father in the easiest and fastest possible way. I needed to corner him in a safe place, and pelt him with questions about my mother and her strange death. Don't get my wrong, I've always wanted to meet the other two siblings, but every time I found myself at the Todoroki's doorstep, I couldn't find the courage inside me to knock.

But now, I needed it.

There is no way around this now, I need to come face to face with my father, to confront him about questions that he left with me. I hadn't seen the flame hero in months, and before that it was years. I wonder how he's changed, because the last time we spoke he didn't sound as volatile as normal. 'I'm proud of you' and 'I'm sorry', words that I never expected to come from his mouth. Especially not for someone like me. The bastard daughter he never wanted, never dreamed of.

The daughter from a quirkless woman who he once called his sunshine.

My stomach churned at the memory of Dabi and I reading the words the flame hero himself had written down for a woman who thought honey, milk, and a good book could lift anyone's spirits. Someone fueled with so much hatred and anger, someone who had fallen in love with a woman who trapped insects underneath cups to only free them back into the wild after.

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