消しゴムチップ - eraserchip

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"I'm going to throw up."

"Eh? I told you not to eat before we came here."

"But I'm a nervous eater!"

"You'll do fine, you practiced your speech so many times even I know it by heart." Shota chuckled, kneeling down to meet my gaze. Today was the debut of my Eraserchip*. At the Yukimo press conference, which is to be televised on every national and local news channel, I'm set to give a speech live in front of hundreds of reporters, hero agencies, support companies from every corner of Japan who are interested in me, my abilities, and my equipment.

Ever since I saved Umi, I suddenly became the talk of the town, again. People began talking about me on the news, in the paper, I was even offered a few interviews. Between being a prodigy UA student who risked her life to save a girl she didn't know, and the default number one hero's daughter, publicity just seemed to accumulate even more. Thousands, no probably more like millions, of eyes will be on me as I tell everyone what there is to know about the technology I invented and how it saved Umi. Being nervous is a vast understatement.

"Besides, if you get nervous just find me in the crowd." Shota smiled gently, kneeling down and combing loose strands of (h/c) behind my ear. He tilted his head to the side, the softest grin playing on his lips with his eyes shut. My face turned a bright red, seeing how fucking adorable he was, before I shook my head and slapped my palms against my cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if that's going to help." I laughed anxiously, making Shota raise an eyebrow as he stood up. I rested my hands against the arms of my chair with a frown. "Doesn't help that I'm going to be seen as the girl in a wheelchair." Yes, I could walk. Barely if anything. I wasn't strong enough to hold my own weight for longer than five minutes, so until I can work through my own personal rehab, I'm stuck in the chair for longer than I'd like to be.

"Think of it as a badge of honor." Shota hummed, tapping his chin. "It's a reminder of the great act of heroism you performed the day you saved that girl." A badge of honor, huh? Being stuck in this chair was the furthest thing from honorable. I was imprisoned. Restricted and crippled. Helpless and waiting for the next time 'Dabi' decides to attack. I wrapped my hands around the arms of my chair, squeezing tightly, frustration boiling inside me. Every step forward feels like three steps back, I'm in a constant loop of being defeated and taking the smallest victories.

"It's more like a nasty scar." I mumbled, "A reminder of how weak I am." I have to work harder, harder than anyone I know, just to achieve the simplest of things. My brain is mush, my legs barely work, and my quirk is shit. I feel like I've been yanked into a race where everyone has a straight shot and I have a thousands of hurdles and hoops to jump through. I've always started in last place, I've only ever been in last place.

"(Y/n)-." Shota began, resting his hand atop my head before being interrupted.

"Todoroki? You're on in two minutes." A man said, popping his head through the burgundy curtains ahead of us. I looked up at Shota, giving him a halfhearted smile as he scrunched up his nose, unhappy with not being able to continue. He leaned down, wrapping me into a tight hug while pressing his lips subtly against my temple.

"I love you, (y/n)." He whispered into my ear and taking off, before I even had the chance to respond.

So like that I was left alone backstage in the dark. I swallowed hard, drawing in a deep breath and fiddling with the buttons on my blouse. I was wearing my school uniform, mostly because I didn't really have anything 'professional' to wear, and also because Principal Nezu had requested and encouraged me to do so. He said UA could use some good publicity and I was just the person to remind the public what kind of amazing and talented kids UA consistently pumps out. No pressure, right? I shut my eyes, clenching my fists and exhaling.

Erase HerゾごホDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora