私を倒さないで - don't let me fall

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"Can't you go any faster?!"

"I'm trying, Ma'am. There seems to be a lot of traffic right now..."

"Please! I need to get to the hospital, someone needs my help!" I begged, leaning forward against the drivers seat, berating the taxi driver. "It's an emergency." I emphasized, moving and pressing my face against the glass window, staring at the hundreds of cars ahead of us. Why now? Out of all days? Why does there have to be an accident on this highway?

Horns blared over one another as agitated drivers shouted angrily, spewing insults over who cut who off or who was going slower. I'm never going to make it at this pace. I sighed heavily, seeing the sign for my exit only a mile away.

"Sorry lady, looks like we are gonna be stuck here for a while."


I looked down at my legs, my (s/c) skin peeking from underneath the end of my skirt. I haven't tried walking long distances, much less running. I shut my eyes, clenching my fists and slamming them against my knees. Now is a time to be brave,(y/n). You're a hero, aren't you?

I can do this. I can do this.

"There must be some kind of accident on the bridge..." The driver mumbled, picking his head up as he tried to see over the crowd of hoods, "I don't know how long-. Hey! That's a bad idea-!"

I cut him off, throwing open the car door and stepping onto the highway. I drew in a deep breath, slinging my bag over my shoulder as I willed my legs to stop shaking. What if I collapse? What if my legs give out? I'll be left with no way to walk. I swallowed hard, shaking my head. They need me. I sprinted down the lane of cars, my legs moving off muscle memory, carrying me faster and faster as I felt the wind break against my face. It felt freeing. A smile spread against my lips as I urged myself to run faster. I'm running. A month ago I couldn't even walk, and now I'm sprinting down a highway littered by hundreds of cars.

Shota would scold me for doing something so stupid.

A pang shot into my chest as I thought about the man I've come to love more than anything and anyone in the world. I'm running full speed to Izuku instead of trying to figure out where the fuck Shota was taken. But Izuku said thre was a girl who couldn't control her quirk.. I thought back to Umi, remembering her being trapped underneath the crumbling mall, hoe everyone left her there, not a single person tried helping. Everyone was too scared of something they couldn't control. What if the situation is similar? What if this girl could endanger herself and others? The only person able to stop quirks is Shota and if he is MIA, I'm the next best thing. I need to be there for this girl. Whoever she is, she needs me more than Shota right now. Even if every fiber of being wants to find Shota, I need to do this first.

My muscles ached as I looked up ahead to see smoke pillaging into the air. The accident must've been pretty bad. My pace slowed down as people ran out of their cars, pushing past me and running full speed in the opposite direction. I glanced around, the people bumping into me, shouting incoherent things, dragging their kids by the wrists as their eyes writhed with fear.

A scream.

A sinking feeling bombed the center of my stomach as a bloodcurdling scream pierced the muggy air, a howl from someone in the worst kind of pain. My movement came to a stop as I gasped at the scene ahead of me. Cars were flipped over, a few bodies belonging to police officers and one pro hero were scattered across the cracked pavement. And a small huddle of people hovering over someone strapped down onto a white look block, the man laying down having blood spilling from his arms, pooling into the ground beneath him as he screamed. A sick feeling washed over me as my face went pale. What did I just walk in on? The men turned towards me, one of them catching my eyes as I immediately recognized those burns decorating his skin.

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