浴 - bath

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"It's past midnight, (y/n)."

"The early bird gets the worm."

"I don't think that applies here." Shota sighed heavily, pulling a chair beside me as he tiredly rested his head on my shoulder, watching me intently as my pencil rubbed lines into the paper repeatedly, giving me a rough sketch of the bodysuit I wanted to make for my brother. "Why don't you come to bed?" He hummed into my ear, his lazy eyes still following the jagged lines as I drew an outline of a collar that could detect abnormalities in degrees throughout Shotos body. If I could link that to a type of...combat vest, I can regulate his temperature automatically and protect his more vital organs.

"I could probably add more detection mechanisms on his wrists like I originally planned on." I muttered aloud, ignoring Shota's request. Shota groaned, dropping his head to press against the wood of his kitchen table, a place I have found myself stuck at more than I'd like to admit. Since I joined Shota as his teacher aid three days ago, I had been brainstorming ideas nonstop for the kids costumes. I have come to learn most of their names, their quirks, and in the midst of it all I finally rediscovered my passion.

"What is this piece?" Shota asked, pointing at a scribble off in a corner amongst many, many failed designs.

"Ah, that's for the...Katsuki boy." I answered, the lead of my pencil darkening the holes over the contraption I had concurred. "They're improvised versions of grenades," I explained, scribbling down some key words around my drawing, "they store his nitroglycerin sweat and can be used whenever he desires just like regular grenades." I placed my pencil down, leaning back in my wheelchair for a stretch.

"He's going to love that." Shota chuckled softly, sitting up straight with a small yawn. I gave him a smile,

"I think I'll start the manufacturing of this before even beginning on Kyoka's equipment." I exhaled, staring down at the designs I had accomplished tonight. I wanted to start on Shoto's costume, but I need to examine his quirk a bit more to get a feel for how it works. So I'd have to schedule a day for that.

"I love seeing you so motivated." Shota said quietly, reaching over and brushing my messy (h/c) hair out of my face. I felt a slight blush creep to my face as I forced out a nervous laugh while swatting his touch away.

"I haven't even bathed today, Shota." I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck. Shota rested his elbow on the kitchen table, staring at me with the most adoring expression.

"And yet you've never looked more beautiful." His voice softened, the usual flat sounding man  seemed the most romantic when he used this tone. And man, did I savored that voice. He rarely used it, but when he did it was only for me. And that made me feel special.

"Shut up." I joked, staring at the man who was most certainly more breathtaking than I could ever dream to be. His long black hair tied up halfway for a change, a style I've only ever seen him wear once before. A small bun resting on the back of his head, just enough hair in it so I could clearly see his face. Shota just smirked back, leaning forward to kiss my cheek but pausing.

"Now that you mention you haven't washed up..." He sniffed, causing me to laugh and push him away.

"Is it that bad?" I asked, shoving my nose into my shirt and inhaling the slight stench of 'I haven't moved in three hours'.

"Do you want to take a bath?" He asked, standing up and pushing his chair in. I nodded,  wheeling myself backwards and heading for the bathroom.

"Yeah, I can do it myself though." I said, watching Shota's smile flicked into a frown. "What?" I stopped, looking back at him.

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