ソウルメイト- soulmate

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A soulmate.

A soulmate isn't someone who completes you.

No, a soulmate is someone who inspires you to complete yourself.

Someone who gives you the courage to face your fears head on, to stand up for what you believe in. Someone who loves you with so much certainty, so much heart, that it is impossible for you to have any doubt in yourself and who you are meant to be.

I stood at the entrance of the hospital, my eyes welling with tears as I watched him talk to Izuku.

They empower you and help you blossom into a person you never thought you could be.

His arm wrapped tightly in a sling, frazzled black hair resting unevenly on his shoulders.

Soulmates awaken the most impressive kind of willpower in one another, a strength that is unmatchable by anything else.

"(Y/n)!" Izuku shouted, tears scrolling down his own face, his lips knitted into the tightest kind of frown. It was an expression of tragedy, of loss, and as much as I wanted to comfort the broccoli haired boy, my thoughts and my heart lingered else where. Specifically over a certain Erasure Hero whom I was to think could've been fatally hurt.

Shota Aizawa glanced over his shoulder, his expression flickering from the dull look he wears when addressing anyone that isn't me, to a warming gleam in his darkened pupils that was reserved specifically for me.

"Midoryia, please let the doctors know Harbinger has arrived." Shota said, the sternness in his teacher voice hinting the urgency. Izuku nodded, wiping his eyes with his forearm quickly before taking off in a direction I simply couldn't follow because I couldn't bring myself to look away from him. My shoulders slumped, my bag slipping off my back and onto the tiled floor with a dull thud.

"He said you were hurt." I blurted out, not even recognizing the sound of my own voice as it cracked and wavered, struggling to hold in my apparent sobs. Shota's eyes softened, glimmering of tears in the creases, as he gently smiled. He slowly made his way over to me, the slightest limp in his step, "Why didn't you tell me?" I stammered, taking a step backwards, distancing myself from the man as anger began to replace my fear. Shota has never kept anything from me, at least not to my knowledge, and I guess I understand why he would keep me in the dark about something as sensitive as a siege, but had he not thought of the worst? What if something serious had happened to him? Something that would require more than just a couple bandages? What if he died? "What if you didn't come home?" I asked finally, tears still trickling down my reddened cheeks.

He let out a deep sigh at my questions, and instead of answering he reached forward, wrapping his arm around me so his palm rested on the back of my head, and pulled me into his chest. My eyes widened at the feeling, my own hands pressing against his stomach, scrunching up the fabric of his hero costume into my fists as I stared at the darkened cloth. Shota leaned down, his lips touching the tip of my ear.

"I will always come home to you, (y/n)."

His voice. His voice reminded me of coffee at 3 AM with too much sugar, or a fireplace deprived of oxygen so only the smallest flickering flame may stay alive.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, squeezing him tightly, so tightly he grunted with a light chuckle before patting the top of my head.

"There is nothing in this world that can keep me from you." He laughed, hugging me back a bit harder. I looked at him, reaching up and cupping his face in my hands. His fingers wrapped around my wrist as he leaned into my touch. I felt myself smile, scoffing at the mess my face had become with all this crying I've been doing. Shota gave me a helpless sigh, his face darkening slightly, making me step back as a frown appeared on his thin lips. "There is something we should talk about, (y/n)." I rose an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side. The way he said my name lacked the usual cherry blossom tone and instead carried a feeling I didn't like at all.

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