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Alas the day had arrived when zakwan cemil stepped into town after many years, the residents of waziq house were all the while too excited! Dadi and dad were excited ofcourse because they loved him since his childhood and were excited to meet him but the reason of all the other aunts and uncles of sasha being excited was that he was an eligible bachelor of the town with billions of inheritance, so all the girls were absolutely excited.
The bunglow was all in a cleaning mood, many feasts were being cooked with many varieties of deserts sprinkled with some love dust!!!

Well the scenario was exact opposite to the above in sasha waziqs room, she was tucked up in her bed sneezing since the morning as she was having flu. She was the least excited to go downstairs and greet that despicable of a man. She was literally cringing over the idea of him settling here in her town, just next door, his balcony was even very close to her balcony, urgh!!!!! These things were triggering her to her dismay and had disturbed her inner peace to the core. She was unable to say anything or stop him from coming to her house, she was feeling miserable afer a long time and that too because of him!.

Aachoo! She sneezed again and thanked God that she had flu so no one was bothering her otherwise no one would have left her alone since it was sunday and she was home, very unkuckily!


Well the time arrived of the arrival of the great mr zakwan cemil and all the members of waziq house well ofcourse minusing sasha , were all present at the entrance making a que as if they were there to welcome prince charles.

A lavish black porshe entered the gate and all the ladies gasped, the suited chauffeur came out running to open the door for zakwan and he was out of the car clad in gucci attire with some lv shoes, if sasha would have seen him ,she would have totally cringed at his display of money.

"Welcome home my son." Mr waziq rushed towards him excitedly arms swinging open.
Buttoning up his coat and gracing his handsome face with a large grin zakwan cemil also very enthusiastically rushed over and engulfed mr waziq in a bone crushing hug.

"I missed u waz! Aaah ,u smell like your amigo, the late sir cemil!!!!" Zakwan said feeling homely, he was all so very friendly with his dads best friend mr waziq.

"Hmm and by hugging me this tight young lad ,you are planning to send me to your dad!" Mr waziq said and zakwan losened his grip on him the next instant smiling.
"Naa! I need you here dude, dads gotta wait!" Kissing mr waziqs forehead lovingly zakwan winked.

"Zakwan, wont you meet your dadi!" Dadi said seeing him not coming inside.

"I am sorry, this man just caught me so bad dado! Here I come!" Clicking his fingers and displaying his signature smile he rushed towards dadi and hugged her earning blessings from her and then one by one he met and greeted all the family members, seeing them all after so long was lovely and nostalgic.
He had already started missing his parents who had passed away many years back from now.

Zakwan had spent most of his life right here in this area, in this city, his roots were right here, coming back after a long time was pleasing.


The dinner was pleasant,everyone was present on the table except the person zakwan was yearning to see, well to be very honest, he was not expecting a warm welcome from her or anything of that sort but atleast he was not expecting that she would never show up to meet him at all.
He was well aware that they were not on good terms, infact she had always ignored him and never ever contacted him after their last meeting before he left for Newyork.

He at the begining many a times tried to contact her but guess she had blocked him everywhere and well he deserved it and from a younger age he was very well aware that sasha was always persistent in her decisions and promises, never leaving space for any leisure but still for sometime he kept trying but he also stopped contacting her after hearing the news of her engagement.
Her marriage and then her divorce ,he was very well aware of everything going on in her life and regretted many things but what done was done, life kept moving on but sasha waziq had left a deep stamp on his heart and soul, he tried forgetting her ,but he just couldent.! Ever! Maybe some people cannot be ever forgotten, they stay, rooting deep inside you!

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