Chapter Seventeen: Malls And Falls

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Was William even real?..

*Time skip a few hours later at Talia's house*

"You know that school starts tomorrow" Iris pestered. 

"Youv'e been on medical leave for almost four months" She added. 

"Eww school" I whined. I was definitely not in the mood to go to school. I was not very popular either. I had one friend, Iris.

"Which means..." She began. 

"Shopping!" Iris squealed, her eyes filled with excitement. I hated shopping. I know, I'm such a girl. Iris's eyes scanned my outfit for a moment. 

"Who's hoodie is that?" She pondered. I looked down at my oversized sweatshirt and realized I didn't have my sweater on from the night before. 

"Christopher" I muttered under my breath. 

"It's a guy's sweatshirt?! OMG Talia! You slept with a guy? Give me deets!" She bounced up and down as if she were a two-year-old on Christmas.

"Iris! Calm down. I was at a party-" I was cut off.

"You were at a party? Were there guys there?" She stumbled over her words exitedly.

"No Iris, there were no guys there. That's why I have a guy's hoodie on." I responded sarcastically. "Now let me finish the story!" 

"Okay I'll shut up" She pretended to zip up her lips. 

"Anyways.. I was at a college party with my friend Christopher, and I got separated from him. Then I drank this stuff and the next thing I knew I was on a bed with this hoodie on" I shrugged.

"Who is Christopher" Iris raised her eyebrows as a grin spread over her lips.

"A.. guy I met" I said a little too quickly.

"Hmm, well you are telling me all about him after we go shopping" She gestured me towards the door. 

"Let's go shopping!"


That was the most awful experience of my life. I was practically trampled by a swarm of girls over a stupid dress that was on sale. Then, I had to wait in a 30 minute line to buy a sweater. And on top of that, I dropped my phone into the mall's fountain. 


Just Great

"Come on" I grunted as I tried for the seventh time to turn my phone back on. After a couple more tries, it still would not turn on.

"Stupid phone" I grumbled and chucked it across the room. After I put my new clothes away and cleaned my nuclear war-zone of a room, I took a shower and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I walked over to where I threw my phone and picked it up. I pressed the home button and the lock screen appeared.

"Oh so now you turn on" I scoffed. Something caught my attention. It said "two unread messages". Curious, I unlocked my phone and clicked the imessages app. It read

        I need to talk to you.




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