the bruises

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  She takes a deep breath, locking the door behind her. She knows she told Ace a lie. A blatant lie. She was not fine. But Ryker, he wasn't himself. She can't blame him for that. And if she told Ace, who knows what would've happened.
  She walks down the stairs and she sees the freckled man, he's resting against the door to his apartment. He hears her footsteps and looks up, he looks like he didn't sleep well.
  "(Y/n)," he gives her a half smile. "You're okay."
  She just forms her mouth into a thin line, she caused this. He's worried about her, and she can't do anything to help him, "Ace..."
  Something about the way she said his name made his face drop. He doesn't like where this is going, "I think we should stop this friendship."
  He stays frozen there, (Y/n) runs off as fast as she can. She can't let him see her cry, but his brain registers the movement and he grabs her arm, "Wait, (Y/n)."
  But she immediately winces, feeling his hand over the bruises from Ryker's grip. He moves his hand, immediately noticing her expression. His eyes see the dark blue marks before they meet her (e/c) eyes. She pulls away her arm, he can see her tears now.
  "Please," she takes in a deep breath, but it's shakes when it comes back out. "Just leave me alone, Ace. It's for the best. I don't want to continue lying to you."
  She starts to walk away again and Ace's mind races. He has to say something. Anything. He's loosing her, and he's hurting. It hurts. He feels like he's falling. Think, Ace. Think.
  "(Y/n)!" his voice causes her to stop, but she doesn't look back. She starts to go again, so he yells out, "You're the person from that phone call, aren't you? The one that saved me all those years ago?"
  She stops in her tracks, her breathing is erratic, "No. I'm not the person you think I am, Ace. You've got me confused with someone else. I'm sorry."
  And he's left there. Alone. It feels just like all those years ago. He's drowning. The world around him is evaporating.


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