the morning

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  Ace wakes up the next morning and immediately sits up: a little too fast, causing his head to spin.  It feels like his brain is ramming into his skull. This place doesn't seem familiar, he doesn't recognize the smell. There's someone in the bed next to him, so he stares at the body for a few moments before the memories start flooding back into his mind.

He screws his eyes closed before he leans backwards to fall back into the bed. Damn it. He royally screwed up this time. One thing right after the next.

  "(Y/n)," he lets out a soft sigh, whispering as to not wake up the person next to him. "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

  The woman next to him rolls over in her sleep, she's now facing him. He shifts to his side, staring at her. She's really pretty, he won't lie about that. He reaches out and brushes her hair behind her ear.

His heart hurts. He feels bad for using her to fulfill his desires last night. He'll never be able to give her the love she deserves. Just like (Y/n). He's only trying to feel better, trying to distract himself for the memories that keep terrorizing him. Every time he thinks he's good and fine again, they return. Like a plague.

These woman deserve better than him. And no one will be able to convince him otherwise.

A deep breath snaps him out of his daze, and their eyes meet as she opens them. A smile plays across her lips before she sits up. She stretches her hands to the air and arches her back letting out another audible sigh.

"Good morning, Ace," she drops her arms before she falls back into the bed, she props herself up on her elbow and stares at him. "I'm surprised you're still here."

He hums, he still doesn't feel well. He shouldn't have gone out. It brought more trouble than it was worth. He hears her slide out of the bed, he looks over at her as she snaps her bra back together.

"I had fun," she pulls on her underwear, looking at him the whole time. "But you look like you need a few more hours to rest. When was the last time you had a good nights sleep?"

"Who knows," he turns his head and stares at the ceiling. She's right, he hasn't been sleeping well. He probably hasn't had proper sleep since the accident. "Years, probably."

She laughs slightly, crawling back onto the bed. She lays down next to him, resting her hand on his chest, "Then go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

He shakes his head, "I can't sleep anymore. I'll probably have nightmares."

"Why?" she's so close to him that he can feel her breath in his neck. "What kind of nightmares do you have?"

"It's not that important," he turns his head, and their eyes meet again. She's carrying a conversation with him. He should've left when she was asleep because now he's said too much.

She gives him a small smile as she cups his cheek and leans in, pecking his lips softly, "I won't pressure you. But sometimes it easier to share than to keep it locked away."

"I have people that I can share with," he was going to continue, but he stops.

He does have people he trusts that would listen to him, but he doesn't share it with them either. He'd share with (Y/n). Why's that? Why would he share it with her, and not the friends that he's known longer?

"Okay," she holds up her hands. "There's no need to be so hostile. I'm sorry I touched the wrong button."

The brunette gets off the bed again, and finishes getting dressed, "I'll head off then."

He goes to open his mouth, but immediately shuts it. Is it bad? He doesn't want her to go. But he's glad at the same time.

  "Ace," the woman tosses his phone at him. "I put my number in there. If you ever want anyone to talk to. Or if you need another hook-up. You don't ever need to contact me. But just incase."

  "Thanks," his voice is so quite he could barely even hear it himself. He knows he needs the support. But if he did talk to her, would it be considered stringing her along? If he does decide he likes her company. If he used her for his selfish desires?

  "Oh," she turns back as she opens the door, she gives him a smile, and it makes his heart yearn. Her eyes look sad. "And a word of advice, you apologize as soon as possible. Any girl would be stupid if they didn't forgive you."

  Before he could even say anything else, she'd already closed the door. She heard him. He thought that she was asleep, and she wasn't. He hurt her. Shit. All I ever do is fuck up.


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