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1) I wouldn't count this chapter as an official one. It's more of a teaser or spoiler to certain things.
2) I feel like shit. And have been for the past week. So I'm sorry if I got your looking forward to more chapters. I don't know how much longer I'll be in this mood...
Ryker wakes up the next day, sitting up and holding his head. His mind is foggy. He turns his head to see (Y/n) sleeping in the bed next to him. He can't remember how he got in the room, and he can barely recall her coming home.
He can still see the bruises he gave her a few days ago, though they have faded significantly since they were first given to her. He brings up his hand and stares at his palm, before he clutches it into a fist. What happened to him?
It's all your fault! You never even tried in the first place!
A slight pain hits him in the head, which causes him to tighten his fist. The feeling of his nails digging into his skin causes him to feel some sort of relief.
You're in pain, I can help with that.
He stands up, it feels like his brain is ramming against his skull. Trying to help him remember. Or forcing him to forget once again.
You're a disgrace to this family.
He leans his shoulder on the wall for support, he closes his eyes. This isn't what today looked like when he thought about it.
You're so handsome for your age. I bet you're going to woo all the girls at school.
Deep breaths.
I didn't ask for a son like you.
Calm down.
I'll show you how.
Deep breaths.
I can't look at you without being disgusted.
One foot in front of the other. Go to the living room.
You're such a good boy. A forever obedient boy.
He leans on the door frame, taking deep breaths. Calming his heart. Before he continues to walk towards the living room.
You're such a disappointment.
As soon as he gets to the couch, his energy gives out and he collapses onto it. He leans far back into the cousin to stare at the ceiling. He feels as if he used to do it often.
Promise me that you'll never leave me for those pretty girls.
He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh.
Get out.
It hurts. This voice. It's his father. It hurts.
I'm better than them. I always will be. Won't I, Ryker?
This one... it causes him to shudder. To want to forget the memories of it. But he doesn't know who it belongs to. Why? He knows it's male. And he can make out an outline... but the face is blank.
  I don't want you in my house! You're a sinner! A no good, dirty, whore-ish, sinner!
  Honey? Aren't you being too harsh?! He's just a boy! He didn't understand! You can't blame him!
  No, I should blame you, shouldn't I? You're the one who left him alone with that MAN for hours!
  I thought that it was better than the alternative!
  Really? And just what was the alternative?!
  Leaving him alone with a drunk! I thought that at least HE would take better care of our son while I worked!
  Look where that got him! He was-
  It's not his fault we're bad parents!
  So we're bad parents? You want to try again?!
  That's not at all what I-
  He recalls his father grabbing his mother and dragging her away to a room. She was screaming the whole time, saying no.
  Mama! What's happening?
  He tried to run after them, but his father kicked him. Was it a kick? He doesn't remember, he just remembers being on the floor, staring up at his father as he spits on him.
  Stay out of it.
  His mother was the only person who loved him unconditionally, who knew everything about him. She was the only one who could put up with his father's shit. He couldn't stand the thought of leaving her when he turned eighteen. Yet, she wouldn't leave his father. He didn't see her since. And now it's too late. He feels guilty.
  He's becoming like his father. And he always told himself that he wouldn't. What happened to him? What's wrong with him, "Mom... I'm sorry... I've disappointed you..."


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