the past I

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  She had first met him on the rooftop of the school. It was windy and cold that day, but going up to the roof was something she always did in winter. She can't remember for the life of her why she had gone up there that day, but she knows that it changed her life completely. She could see the loneliness in his eyes as he stared at the street below.

  His hair was being blown crazily by the wind, but he never closed his eyes. His icy-blue stare never wavered from the city. He had his hand on the fence, his fingers clutched tightly to the metal. There was something about that stare that made her worry for him.

  He was lonely, but he was looking down longingly. There was something he wanted down there, it could've been someone. She could hear some kids talking and laughing, and someone yelling for their friends to wait up. It was the end of the day, so most students were leaving.

  Finally, slowly, he closed his eyes. A sigh escaped his lips, his breath visible due to the cold temperature, "I... I'm... not good enough."

  She felt a twinge of pain in her heart right then. Something about the words he spoke and the tone of his voice resonated with her. But no matter how hard she wanted to speak, she just couldn't find the words. After all, what does one say to a stranger with these circumstances?

  The man turned around, their eyes met, something flashed in his before he gave her a smile. She could tell instantanously that he was faking it, but she just didn't have the heart to tell him. Instead, all she could do was force one back.

  "I didn't know that I wasn't the only person who likes to people watch after school," his voice came out normal as if he didn't just have something eating away at his thoughts. "I honestly thought that I was the only one who came up here this time of day."

  She shakes her head rapidly from side to side, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize-I actually only come here for lunch. But I didn't feel like heading home quite yet today..."

  He nodded before turning back around, "I can understand that feeling. That's why I'm always here..."

  She walked slowly forward, before stopping a few feet away from him. Her instinct told her to hug him, but she knew she couldn't. That's not something she could feel comfortable doing.

  "Your name?" he turned his head slightly to the side, looking at her out of the corner of her eye. "I've seen you around before... but I don't think I know it."

  A look of surprise flashed on her face, "Oh! It's (Y/n). And yours?"

  He took in a deep breath, shifting his eyes back to the empty street laid out in front of them, "Ryker."

  He waited, as if he expected some kind of reaction from her, but she never changed her expression. He scoffed, so there are some people out there who really do live under a rock. People who don't hear anyone else talking.

  "I've always liked that name," she put her finger through the fence and took a deep breath as a gust of wind blew in her face. "Despite what other people may think of it."

  "That's a good trait to have," he took a step away from the fence. "Not caring what others may think... I wish I could be that confident in my own opinions."

  "Honestly?" she laughed a little bitterly. "I might feel that way... but I can't voice it all that well. Peer pressure is terrifying."

  "I don't get along well with my peers," the corner of his mouth raised into a half-smile. "They all say I'm too pessimistic for them."

"So..." she looked over at him before continuing, "You've never had a friend before?"

He shook his head, "Way to jump to conclusions. I wasn't always pessimistic. I like to believe I was better when I was younger. But anyway, I have a friend... I just told him to stay away from me."

"He has it bad enough at home," he let out a sigh. "He doesn't need the whole school to be talking about him behind his back."

  "This is for the best," he forced a smile as their eyes met. "Sometimes it's better to let things go. I can't continue clipping his wings. After all, I've only been holding him back all along."

  "I don't think that's true," she gave him a bright smile, and something inside him lurched forward. Almost like in that moment, he made a silent vow to protect that smile. "I think we all have those thoughts... but in the end, we're the only ones holding ourselves back. We're all trying to live... so what's the harm in trying to help others?"

  He stayed silent. She had rendered him speechless. Despite having a million different thoughts racing around his mind, he could shoot them all down. He could see all of her responses and he knew he couldn't argue them all. Suddenly, he felt defeated.

  But it wasn't a bad feeling either.

Maybe, just maybe. She was what he needed in that moment. The optimist. The yin to his yang. The other half to complete him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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